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Everything posted by Kennydies

  1. I almost bought a car from Bonsai, but ended up paying £1500 extra for a UK care 18 months newer. Several people have had different experiences with Bonsai Cars, thread here: http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3935&highlight=
  2. That killed a few minutes just reading his bad feed back....
  3. yes, mine does it sometimes but not all the time. Need to get it done under warrenty as well. How easy is it to do yourself?
  4. I hate to say it but I have to agree with Charlie. I went to Westover nissan for a sevice and to look at my Synchromesh issue from 4th to 6th. The dealer agreed there was an issue. I dropped my car off when I went on holiday and it was delivered back just over a week later and left at my parents house. The dealer cannot be more helpful. Although I got a nissan Note as a courtesy car which was bloody dreadful.
  5. When you disconnect the battery, do you lower the windows all the way down or just halfway?
  6. dam it, must stay away from ebay, guess what i am buying next week...
  7. how long did it take you?
  8. Is about time i bought something else for my baby, was thinking of the induction kit. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/02-05-NISSAN-350Z ... dZViewItem Is that one ok as they go? How difficult are they to fit? Thanks
  9. ...a waste of money... best waste of money I've spent how much did your bay cost you in total. Is something that lets my car down...
  10. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5153&highlight= The takeaway story is above
  11. I tried glass cleaner, is that not enough?
  12. I did that and bought some good one and the windscreen is still smearing
  13. Have a good one. Have a beer or three then go skiing;-)
  14. If you have had 'cheesy poofs' over christmas you need to pick your friends better. Straight confession. I have cleaned my car twice in the last 8 days!! Failed to polish it though as it rained straight after on both occasions!! Ars* Ming the bored Looking back was not the joke that it was supposed to be. I cleaned my car yesterday and noticed 4 chips in my doors curtesy of moving to the new ofice car park with smaller spaces.... grrrr People are so inconsiderate. I agree people in general don't give a sh*t about other people's cars, especially in car parks, but the main problem is that those who design car parks and lockups nowadays clearly have no idea how wide the avreage car is! There are some multi-storey car parks that I just would not use with the Z. Feel for you though - hope you get the chips fixed without too much expense. Chipsaway? I am going to use ooops.net as they are refurbing my alloys, unless anyone has a bad report about them?
  15. What is the price diference? You get what you pay for. You can only really give an honest comparison for similar priced cars
  16. If you have had 'cheesy poofs' over christmas you need to pick your friends better. Straight confession. I have cleaned my car twice in the last 8 days!! Failed to polish it though as it rained straight after on both occasions!! Ars* Ming the bored Looking back was not the joke that it was supposed to be. I cleaned my car yesterday and noticed 4 chips in my doors curtesy of moving to the new ofice car park with smaller spaces.... grrrr People are so inconsiderate.
  17. actually, I want ming to come over and clean my engine bay. He must need the excercise after all the cheesy poofs over xmas...
  18. LOL, but then you would want people to individualise their cars
  19. Can we delete that post and pretend I never asked
  20. In other words put "http:\" at the front BTW why is the time stamp of the posts showing 1 hour ahead?
  21. I only put the badge on today. It is only with velcro. Need to do it in the daylight.
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