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Everything posted by Kennydies

  1. You can have mine for £40 Hi, think you hit the "0" key in error there ;-)
  2. Welcome, Dont think you will find many complaints about the Z on here....
  3. Sigh! 159MPH is not dangerous anymore.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/shro ... 457871.stm
  4. Oh, the neds round my way are gonna love these!! Some kids are going to have lovely valve caps on their bikes...
  5. Has finished now, just as i was about to order one... What dimentions are best for the z, will look at his other items?
  6. mmm, I have had both sets stolen... I bought a set of spinner ones in the end and they have lasted 4 months so far...
  7. There is a limit but as an employee you can opt out...
  8. 8.59 to 17:01 only.... Do not do overtime now i dont get paid for it....
  9. I bought fabricated cover off this forum and it makes life so much easier. You no longer have to worry about what people can see you have in your boot. Was a godsend over the xmas period with pressies in the boot. I didn't realise the boot mat was extra as I bought the car second hand and already had a mat in it.
  10. bloody expensive for a micra then...
  11. just did a quick quote and is £380....protected from admiral
  12. Bugger, am paying £420 with admiral with protected no claims. I am 30.
  13. One spotted on the north carriageway near M25 Junction at 7.30am and one spotted on nothbound near M27 junction at 8.30am...
  14. It was the bit just before the "to be continued..." that I was more concerned with.... Great show..
  15. Episode 18 did make me shout "noooo" at the screen when i saw the "to be continued message...."
  16. The one that bugs me is the clicker not loud enough in the indicators, I keep leaving them on...
  17. We can tell you if you want...
  18. Yep, thumbs up for Heroes. On Episode 18 as well. Other favs. Battlestar galactia Prison Break House Jericho
  19. I really dont want a warning light for every bleeding thing. Is more to go wrong, the sensors cost a fortune and it only takes a couple of minutes to check your fluid level when you wash your car.
  20. I have the "new road angel" Is excellent. Only warns if the camera is on your side of the road and has the laser detector. Although I have never been through a laser trap. The subscription is £99 for 3 years. Try www.blackspot.com. The road Angel navigator is cheap at halfrauds at the moment....
  21. Well i have so many difference devices, would like to consolodate. I have satnav on my phone, a road angel and an MP£ player (NOT an ipod). One unit would be soo much easier. Never been bothered about bluetooth...
  22. The only reason I would like DVD's is to load them with mp3's. As you can get so many mp3's on a DVD as opposed to a CD.
  23. Yes because no one wants a black one ;-)
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