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Chilli Red

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Everything posted by Chilli Red

  1. If EPR can't help give us a buzz
  2. Nice lights Mark, I reckon the seagulls were stunned by there beauty and couldn't help themselves.
  3. Why thank you kind sir and ??? the Blue roadster is Cavey's car
  4. Yes, great to put more faces to names, (If I can still remember them all!) Well done Jerry and thanks. Some lovely cars, not any two the same and 3 roadsters!! Look forward to the next one Sorry was chatting too much to get many pictures. Did enjoy myself!
  5. I think 3fiddyz will be able to help you here if no one else can, drop him a pm
  6. There are only two official Berk dealers in the Uk and we are one of them, the other doesn't do Nissan and is virtually our neighbour up north. Will look into the 'disintigration' suggestion and come back. But list of possibles so far... Chilli AdrianK IanS Could do with two more for a little more buying power. Will phone them today and see what we get.
  7. Mark, gutted for you, especially after our chat about the length of time it took to get that kit! Glad you and Darren are OK. Bullet Magnet is a complete star, top bloke! Hope you get it all sorted soon.
  8. Wizard, grateful if you can share a bit of detail Cheers Not sure which Berk Cats he is comparing to. Wizard are these the New Berk Technology Metallic Substrate High Flow Cats? These haven't passed govenment testing yet so aren't available for a week or so. If it iis I would like to know who your buying from.
  9. I am going to move forward on this tomorrow so can I have a list of those possibly interested if I can get a good price. Need numbers to twist some arms. Prices at the moment 03 - 06 cars £490.00 07 onwards £540.00 These are Berk Technology High Flow cats as shown here http://www.z-store.co.uk/index.cfm?fuse ... rentCat=30 Obviously the more I order the better deal I can get. Our current order is due for dispatch withing the next 10 days so have to sort this week. Thanks Sarah
  10. Hi Robbie loverly set of cars you have there :bye:
  11. Hi Dave :bye: A few of us are meeting at Bluewater later about 5.30, why not pop over and say Hi, you won't be able to miss us.
  12. Hello Phill :bye: Pictures?? Where are you from?
  13. rtbiscuit - No problems, we will pass the bolts to Mark today. PM your number and I will call you about payment. Hope all is OK.
  14. Nismo Titanium £150.00 Nismo Titanium GT £157.00 Both in stock
  15. Hi and welcome :bye: If you want a plenum spacer and are happy to come here, as Marks says, we will help you fit it too at no extra cost. Sarah ( I say 'we', I mean Tony, I will make the tea )
  16. We have a loverly selection, which will be in the boot of the car on Sunday at Bluewater as requested by Jerry.
  17. Me Chris? Or a different Chris? :S Btw Chilli, lovin' the modded Red Zed, Sure I've seen that driven around Cambridge a few months ago . . . Probably when we had her serviced at Marshalls Caused havok there as she was too low for the ramps but, they were brilliant and sorted out an alternative. It was Chris S I think, did make me laugh, if anyone could have heard me
  18. Hope not we have a big order in with them
  19. Thanks Mark Missed this while I was away. We have four sets of Nismo Replicas made by Shine at a very reasonable price too.
  20. Keep meaning to pm you about doing me a signature............ Can we keep it clean tho
  21. Oh right sorry thought this is what you meant as they are both traders, my bad! Pm'd price of Plenum spacer - Contact CS for K & N I had recommend you both I Know and thanks mucho appreciatedo :bye:
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