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Chilli Red

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Everything posted by Chilli Red

  1. 13/ GrantMitchell 14/ D350z - (08 version) 15/ Richie - Facelift (08) 16/ The Choo Decided against this for now, hence my request withdrawn. No problems thanks for ammending the list
  2. Saturday 20th June Chillis Hotrain69 Bullet Magnet ? Mr Lizard 3FiddyZ Sunday 21st June Chillis Bullet Magnet ?
  3. Just an update - hoping to have the first batch in soon so will pm people and update list as they arrive, Sarah
  4. Hi guys and Gals Following numerous requests we are arranging another MOD Day. Post your name and which day you would like to come if you are interested. Normal rules apply..... You can come and MOD your car with bits you already have or if you want something let me know and I will get it in for you. You can come and ask someone for help fitting you parts or offer help to others. Or just stand around drinking tea and chatting Saturday 20th June Chillis Hotrain69 Bullet Magnet Mr Lizard 3FiddyZ ? Andy Dominique Andymc Bundus Martinw Chris I Shrekster Kev and Gaz Dcash5 Cavey Buster TimS Andwood China White Bobby Sunday 21st June Chillis 3 FiddyZ ? Bullet Magnet Jon 350z H5 Martinw Chris I AdrianK Dcash5 A Pair of Flabby Wings RobD7 Jerry 3167
  5. May have a little custom taylored item in soon you maybe interested in then......
  6. Oh well, better start again.... get well soon Markie
  7. Markie, thought you were quiet. Get well soon and ring me Sarah
  8. the ones both Adriank and Pimm bought are 19's
  9. LMFAO you will have stay outside ian!!! So will you dumbass I suggest you both come in under idle and not revving the balls off it as they dont have a limit off the track AFAIK, but that might not stop them kicking you out for making too much noise Cheers Chris So was that your car Ian that I was stood behind in the layby outside Bala, when the driver showed off his exhaust?? I was about to get in the car when you blew my eardrums thru to the other side
  10. Mmmm. I was sat with him and have to admit I think I may have been a bit too!! Combination of no sleep, no food and cheap doubles My friends shoved me thru my hotel door at some ungodly hour (thanks btw to Dom, Mark and Andy), so probably lucky we didn't do a deal Saturday night, good knows how much he would have paid.
  11. Hi Heath, Great to have our little post Wales meet this morning, enjoyed the tea and chat. The wheels and blue nuts will look absolutely Can't wait to see then fitted. Want to see loads of pictures. Thanks for your custom too. Have a great time in Las Vegas! Sarah
  12. hmmm. Just a few possiblities there then
  13. He did make himself look a tad silly Thanks to everyone, such a well organised meet, absolutely brilliant. Done a few convoys now but I have to say you guys really know the meaning of the word convoy! So many turn into Gumball Rallies and like Martinmac said, we all know how fast our cars can go, we don't need to show everyone else. The positioning of helpful club members on strategic turns was an excellent idea. Can't praise you all enough. Just wanted to thank you for a great time. Great to put faces to names, now trying to put faces, forum names and real names together Great to see all your wonderful cars too, there are some really stunning cars in the club and as a massive group like that, they are just awesome. We even managed a big convoy all the way back to the M25 eventually leaving 3fiddyz on his own at Chertey. Sunset - glad you are both OK, we knew it had all gone wrong when no-one followed us round the roundabout. Couldn't turn back as the road didn't allow it. But did check back by phone to make sure we weren't needed. Hope you get it all sorted soon. Thanks to everyone for their kind words for Tony, he was upset to miss it but obviously it just couldn't happen for him. THANK YOU ALL :bye:
  14. Ian, we are due stock of both clear and smoked reflectors. PM me if you are interested. Sarah
  15. Great to meet you at last. Hope to see you again soon. Sarah
  16. Chilli Red


    Hi Tim Glad you found us. Great to chat to you yesturday. Like I told you though you must post some pictures up of your car it really is a must. Sarah
  17. Gaz is quite good with Japanese. send him a pm and I will message his mobile for you. Sarah edit - forum name you need is gaz walker and welcome by the way :bye:
  18. Nice job William Looks really professional
  19. Prob best to leave it bud , could end up with loads of problems, get adivce from people who have fitted there though Will be posting up a mod day soon for June. Why not come then and there will be loads of help and tools and time
  20. Different day Sarah! We will be there too late Saturday to start changing a Plenum, which is what I think he means...We are coming for the Sunday Drive
  21. You going up at a diff time to Fiddy then? Not unless he's leaving us at Castle Coombe. Maybe hes going to do a runner We are leaving in Convoy me thinks in the afternoon.
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