Charity Raffle of the Century
As some of you may already know, Tony’s Dad, Curly, lost his battle with Cancer last week. It has been a tough time for everyone but his final hours were made so much more comfortable, by the completely dedicated nurses and staff at the Woking Hospice.
I know this is something that has touched a lot of people on this forum and I think they would all agree that hospice staff that care for terminally ill patients deserve medals. We have decided that we would like to try and give something back and thought maybe we could hold a small raffle with the prize of a Carbon Fibre Strut Brace. I ran this idea by Martinmac at the Wales meet and before I knew it he had rallied the Admin Team, MODs and Traders together to see if they would like to help us raise even more money.
Traders and donators - I can only say that the level of generousity is an absolute credit to you guys. Curly would be so chuffed. He loved Tony’s car and never missed a MOD day. He was always amazed at how much time and love you all spent on your cars. So this seems a fitting tribute to him.
I am extremely proud to present
Tickets are £1 each, you may buy as many or as few as you wish. Payment can be made here:
Please use your forum name on donation so that I know who to assign the raffle numbers to.
When you have paid your name will be added to the list next to your raffle draw number. The draw will be made by one of the team. As the winners are announced, each will be allowed to choose their prize before the next one is drawn.
Carbon Fibre/GT Spec Strut Brace - your choice
Carbon Fibre intake vent Supplied by CS
£30 megs voucher Supplied by Andy
Nismo V1 spoiler Supplied by EPRacing
£50 voucher Supplied by Race Valeting
5ltr of Silkolene Pro Supplied by Oilman
carbon strut bar coverings and the door switch covers Supplied by P15ULT
CF sill covers Supplied by an anonomous contributor fleece or hoodie Supplied by Martinmac
some CF bits - tba Supplied by M350ZB
$50 voucher Donated by Adam fro Z1 auto
Swissvax style brushes Donated by Envy Valeting