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Chilli Red

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Everything posted by Chilli Red

  1. I have had problems with a new car I took delivery of which I discovered had rust on it. I was told that was because it had sat in a field and this 'happens'. They wouldn't take it back when I rejected it. I called CAB and a solicitor and both told me the same. You have to allow them a resonable amount of time to repair the vehicle before they are obliged to take it back. You can try and shame them if they still play up. I did this in the end and they couldn't take it back off me quick enough. It is a dodgy one though and I think you will find you have more rights if you go and buy a pair of jeans. Good luck, hope you get it sorted. Sarah
  2. Maybe a couple of the guys would like to reinact it for you
  3. Well done Heath, another challange you successfully lived up to Sarah
  4. Thats funny My ten year old thought that was hysterical!
  5. an extra washer or two under the gear knob may solve the problem. Is it an aftermarket knob? Sarah
  6. and so you can check this list out, look here viewtopic.php?f=19&t=16794
  7. Hello and welcome to the forum. Have a look here for some of the parts we stock http://www.z-store.co.uk/ Sarah
  8. Oh, hadn't realised that. Look at it this way Nic, there will be thousands of planes in the sky that day, not just the one you are on, chances are it's mumbo jumbo. Have a lovely time Should have some super new club jackets later this week, so something to take your mind off it, I hope you like them
  9. No problems, we do 350, 370 and GT-R, plus all other Japanese cars too Just specialise in Nissan of course
  10. Sorry, only do services in Newcastle, don't have the facilities here yet, but put a shout out and others shoud point you right for service. I am but a mere girlie and now I you need Gaz to answer those other questions. I have messaged him, so hopefully he will pop up, or pm your number and I will get him to ring you. Sarah
  11. here is the Royal Purple info thread viewtopic.php?f=38&t=22262
  12. There is a discussion somewhere on here about the different oils and within that it explains the added benefits of the Royal Purple. I will see if I can find it for you. Oh and Yes these guys are good, but the I guess you'd say I'm biased
  13. Sorry Shaun, my fault stubby got left out. Recorded delivery should be with you by tuesday Badge looks great
  14. Chilli Red


    PM sent Thanks guys
  15. Agree with Martin, the newer car, but is colour an issue to you? Welcome BTW
  16. Oww, must hurt. Hope you had fun and it was worth it
  17. Or you are welcome down here and we will fit it for you....
  18. Dont forget the tongue too Sarah All of the forum traders do a fantastic job i would like to add Any more mods want to join in the bullying?!?! Feel free to carry on! Simply confirmed that Envy had stock to start with so the op could call Envy and get sorted quickly..and then to support a trader... Thats ar$e licking how? ooooohhhhhhhh!!!!
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