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Chilli Red

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Everything posted by Chilli Red

  1. Yep, reverse for me too, Guilford was not good West London Motor Group in Sunbury were spot on! Just goes to show, depends what day it is
  2. Hi Jon Sparky was looking for a set of these, maybe worth a pm Sarah
  3. 1st pic nix, copy and paste and it will open. That ones a bit dodgy agreed, a bit of a RT moment the others Coops, are fine, nothing to be shy about there, I am too old though so maybe I don't count. Cute little grin Thanks Husky
  4. You have a brilliant sence of humour Coops!! Please leave the pictures up for a while this time, I missed them last time round (went to bed too early obviously) I will be off line soon while I drive home, please don't take them down too early. Oh and good luck
  5. Slough isn't a million miles away Hello and welcome Sarah
  6. Fingers crossed for you, now go get some sleep
  7. Funny, thats what Tony just said, he has three that fall into coops' requirement. BTW, he's a lot older than me
  8. Funny, thats what Tony just said, he has three that fall into coops' requirement.
  9. Thankyou!!! oh oh!! Calendars!! Side by side with my Top Gear one. Cool!! There's a format on here? Guess I need to have more of a look around... I have a pile of the Tres Posh ones that Harman did, so if you pay me a visit I can give you some.
  10. Shall look forward to meeting you and having a gossip
  11. Yeh, No pressure Mark
  12. I can recommend people to do anything you need done (to the car!) if we can't do it here Lin. Sarah
  13. Hmm had me for a minute, thought I was going to give Mark some grief about buying a nice new 5Zigen PM if we can help with any prices and availability - Sarah
  14. Further to your pm of last night, I have pm'd back and can deliver to a good fitter not far from you, so you just have to go along with the car to have it fitted Sarah
  15. Who says I can't sell Handbags and shoes May just surprise you all and add some new lines, theres plenty of us sprinkles on here now you know Not doing Crusty boxers though!! Yuk
  16. Hiya and welcome Sure we'll see you driving around somewhere soon. Love your signature Let me know if you want any prices - Sarah
  17. Just seen Gaz has answered on here pm sent as well. Sarah
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