If you ultimately used credit card, then contact them, they have the right to pull your money back if you haven't received goods. They will ask you to complete a form and you can fax it back to them or send it. They then pull the money back, credit your credit card and then after they have done that ask the seller/recipient of the funds why they took them. If they can prove beyond doubt that you received said items they then take it back off you and give it back to the supplier. I know this is fact as I have done it myself recently. It took about two weeks to get my money back.
PLEASE NOTE:- I do not trade like this, I only take your money once I have actually got the item in my hand and packed it up ready to post. I know most of you realise this, but still feel I need to reitterate it. I wish I could help you but I can't and I am confident having paid by credit card/paypal your money will be refunded.