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Everything posted by Dash
Here is what I said (Again you are not reading it correctly) Where did I dispute the fact that he went to Japan? Where did I dispute fact that that he tested tyres? You need to read what is there on the page Val and not what you believe is there. oh come on just admit it, asking for credentials in "being a doctor in automotive compound adhesion (would that be physics?) " surely is sarcastic to say the least? ie you don't believe it. otherwise why being sarcastic? The only thing I don't believe (and hence my sarcasm) was the fact that Mr Brewer (as I mentioned before) - an ex car salesman come reporter is qualified to make such a judgement. But I NEVER dispubted the fact that he was INVOVED in some sort of sampling, although I DID doubt that he was under a terms of employemt (for such a duty) with Nissan. but I never said i dobuted the story as I have not read or heard it before MAX mentioned it. In fact I wouldnt mind seeing it. Ther word Sarcasm has no relation to the word Believe. You are drawing assumptions based on a question sarcasm n : witty language used to convey insults or scorn Because I dont feel he is more qualified to make such an assumption over the people Nissan employ to test such things.
Perhaps I need to put more smileys in. Honest Val Im not taking it personally, I am enjoying the discussion. I never doubted what YOU said. I believe you, and I have never said any differnent. On that one judging by majority of the opinons expressed by the people who own the car and this tyre you do seem to have a valid point. Having said that the last time I spoke to my contact at Bonn I noticed he was runnng RE050's I asked was this an "in secret' or something. And his reply was 'No theyre just as shite as the 040's"
Here is what I said (Again you are not reading it correctly) Where did I dispute the fact that he went to Japan? Where did I dispute the fact that that he tested tyres? You need to read what is there on the page Val and not what you believe is there.
It was this information I based my questions on. Your last statement: was never mentioned in Max's text, and I am not privvy to that information, however how can you expect(considering Japan is notriously different to our UK roads) to compare a tyre for use in the UK? And if they did employ Mr Brewer for EXACTLY this purpose why do they spend vast amounts of mony on NTE Cranfield and NTE Bonn doing the same thing? Again just another question I would love to know the answer to. Maybe all the world needs is Mr Brewers opinion. (Alongside "others" of course
Its not my word. Its my opinon. The point I was trying to make to max was just because Mr Brewer (a journalist just like Mr Clarkson, who people also seem to refer to as the fountain of all automotive knowledge) is able to offer an opion doesnt mean we should take it as fact as people do And in this case it SEEEMED like Max was taking this as "Authoritive" I made no statement. I only asked questions. My "word" never came into it.
You cannot expect a definitive answer back without laying down some parameters first. So your general question is irrelevant. Its like me asking is a V8 more powerful than a V6?
Well that is a another question you will have to ask you learned friend.
I only asked if he had credentials in order to assertain whether he was competent enough to make such a judgemment for Nissan (as the previous speaker claimed he had bee employed by Nissan for just such a purpose. Was I professing my opinion as a matter of consultancy to nissan? NOPE. Do I have any more credentials than than Mr Brewer? I cannot say until I know what credentials he has. Did I say I had more credentials than him? Nope Did I offer an opinion on an advisory basis about a tyre to a car manufacturer or to anyone else? Nope. Do I have a platform to profess these opinoins like Mr Brewer? Nope. Am I employed by Nissan or have I ever professed I have? Nope. So why should I take the word of someone Like Mr Brewer (or Mr Clarkson for that matter) just on the basis of someone having a familar face and a public forum to broadcast from? Also my reference to Europe was made under the basis that I seriously doubt that the boys in Nissan Omori even know who Mr Brewer is let alone value his input to hire him, (as the previous speaker claimed)
so let's recap: in you 2 guys' opinions (let's use 2 widths for examples) a 245 tyre has more or less grip than a 275 tyre? same brand, compound, tread pattern PSi and condition of the road 2 tyres same brand different widths same conditons (WET)) the 275 will be more prone to aquaplaning (ergo less grip) than the 245. Predominetly due to the difference in the shape of the contact patch the spreading of the pressuere placed upon that tyre by its vehicles weight over a different shaped contact patch and the fact that the capilary action with in the thread of that tyre is not the same due to the reduced contact pressure at any singal point. ok hopefully Miraglio will be on board soon to discuss your position. Is your position the same for DRY conditions? Val I think I need to be clear. I am not Dorian, and I do not know what dorian has or hasnt got on his car. And as the post was made by Dorian to yourself I had no interest in it, I took your statement to relate to the topic at hand. Hence Why I keep stressing the fact that my point is made in relation to WET conditions. Therefore it goes without saying that in the dry a wider tyre can give more grip. However if you read back through my posts NONE of them mention that there is less grip from a wider tyre in the dry. I am stating a fact relating to te subject of the topic, slippage in the WET and I have not changed my statement through out. Re Read what I have posted. Its very clear.
moved yes deformed eh no
Carbon atoms? They cant be deformed.
so let's recap: in you 2 guys' opinions (let's use 2 widths for examples) a 245 tyre has more or less grip than a 275 tyre? same brand, compound, tread pattern PSi and condition of the road 2 tyres same brand different widths same conditons (WET)) the 275 will be more prone to aquaplaning (ergo less grip) than the 245. Predominetly due to the difference in the shape of the contact patch the spreading of the pressuere placed upon that tyre by its vehicles weight over a different shaped contact patch and the fact that the capilary action with in the thread of that tyre is not the same due to the reduced contact pressure at any singal point.
No WET conditions arent irrelevant as I have stated this all along!
In the words of manuel (falty towers) "I know nothing I learn it from a book"
You explained to "him' that we are discussing grip in WET conditions? And not the dry?
Its a shame you went to all that trouble when the subject we were referring to was a WET roundabout and we CLEARLY stated that in the WET or on surface of low adhesion due to the PSI being spread over a wider area a wider tyre is more prone to aquaplaning. As I mentioned earlier why do you think ice racing uses such skinny tyres? If the unsprung weight doesnt change (scientific fact) and the surface area is greater (another fact) and the pressure placed on a fixed parameter (PSI) is less due to the larger area, How on earth can your arguement work. The Non deformable object is prone to EXACTLY THE Same level of deformity as the narrower tyre! therefore the quation remains the same! Its simple science my friend. Otherwise you need to contact Pirelli and notify them that you have altered the rules on compound adhesion based on a fixed pressure because those poor bastards have been doing it all wrong for the last 50 years!
Nissan are offering 48hr test drives on the zed. Its a promo thing. Leave it on the drive mate, its not yours and its insured.
You will not Vmax on the bowl. As someone who has been round it, you will @*!# yourself first before you find Vmax. (wait untill you hit "the ridge" ) In additon to this the fact that you are on a curve will limit your top speed. They say for every 1mph over 150 on it equates to 5 on the flat (or someting like that at least)
not on destricted autobahn it isnt. You are respinsible for your speed. If you have an accident you will also be deemed responsible for the consequences.
I would dissagree Im quite fond of munching the miles on the Autobahns, make long distance light work!! (I know what you meant, I just couldnt resist) My best so far is Nurburg to Calais in 3.5 hours..........Including stops!!!!
The final drive on the Gearbox is set for 172. However some of us cant find the limiter. I work with GPS timing and tracking equipment and regularly see 161 162 on GPS, whch has the cars speedo indicating 168. We found the car to be about 4.2% innacurate.
Just thinking about it, they are more likely to break into your house first trying to find a key than they are to try and break into a car and try and start it knowing that nearly all new cars come with cat 1 alarms. Car break ins these days usually involve nicking a radio and not a car. Besides if I wanted it and I had a buyer for it, starting the bugger would be the last of my worries in removing a car from a drive. and some people ( ) know how to remove wheel clamps especially when your not worried about the rim.