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Everything posted by Trev-the-Rev

  1. All these witty retorts Nic brings your other thread about name changes to mind - how about Gillette?
  2. Some beauties there alright. Nice pics Dave.
  3. Good luck with the sale but I think you are being a bit ambitious with the price since the car is a non GT and pre facelift. I'm very envious of your Aussie visa
  4. Silver coupe at Culverhouse Cross 9.00 am ish and GM coupe heading south on the A470 Taffs Well area around 11.30.
  5. The Swiss also do a good line in Cuckoo clocks and therefore one assumes, cuckoo clock droppings
  6. Spacer nuts vibrating loose do tell me more any threads on this. would it be advisable to say check them after a few 100 miles granted theres maybe expansion through heat etc. got me worried now. Put a bit of locktight on the nuts, torque them up to around 80-80 ft lb and then check them after about 100 miles and youu you shouldn't have any problems. I did that with mine and they've been on there now for about a year.
  7. Hi and Why don't you buy a Zed and keep the Evo for the track. That's what I did
  8. Sorry to hear you had a wasted journey as a result of someone who clearly was trying it on. At least it was spotted though before you parted with your money. Keep looking because there are plenty of nice ones out there.
  9. Hi and welcome. You won't have any complaints about doing long journeys in the zed comfort wise - just the fuel consumption.
  10. You know you really want a GM Steve - Ian and I can't both be wrong
  11. It should polish out ok. I've picked a few of these up living out in the sticks like I do and a little light pressure with some polish usually gets rid.
  12. You must use a lot of hair gel to stop that comb-over blowing out of place Stan
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