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Everything posted by captint

  1. captint

    GT-R advert

    I'm sure I'll let you have a lift in mine, for a small fee of course
  2. yup, it will be wasting plenty of people, wll be interesting to see it aganst the RS4 as no proper stats have been released yet
  3. Looks a bit Fugly to me http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default ... ryId=16104
  4. very 80's monsters of rock
  5. captint

    White lines

    Personally, I think you won't get jack, and wouldn't bother, it's impossible to prove, but its your time
  6. captint

    White lines

    They won't pay for sh1t
  7. More like 30K 12k will get a proper TT conversion done on standards, not wheels, internals, brakes or sus
  8. Safe or not you won't get a massive gain, will be better throttle response and a bit of mid range torque, not worth the cash, sped it on a car control day, coilovers or brakes, a much better investment
  9. Who said they were ever going to fix the situation, they never meant to do it
  10. captint

    GT-R prices

    If I buy a GTR instead of another Z, will I still be embraced with open arms?
  11. captint

    Diamond Skyzer

    see here how not to do it http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... 4102#84102
  12. See diamond skyzer thread http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... 3941#83941
  13. captint

    Diamond Skyzer

    London gum and scum on the floor
  14. captint

    Diamond Skyzer

    http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,, ... 25,00.html
  15. You could sell the zorst, rays and body kit and I bet you could make a grand after you had bought the regular parts and then drop the price by a grand and make the sale
  16. The mileage, I can see the issue, but only as a resale issue, in reality it will make sod all difference to the car. Not being a GT is a bonus me things these days, as the benefits are not worth the money and aftermarket products are far better suited. Heated seats, nice if you want piles, cruize contol good for average speed camera areas. I think that this will sell, bit at £15.5 - £16 max, i'm not saying thats right, but that what I think it will fetch
  17. Isn't your car already black
  18. heart attacks, business, money etc like Eastenders but with less t055ers
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