Went paint balling today (company thing) any way we won 9 out of 12 games.
However on the way back we stopped off at a pub for a quick jar (milk only).Anyway the pub was called the Black Swan, near deep wood off the A3 just after the M25 Guildford bound.
Anyway, got to the pub, nice place, wasn't great though that we stank off Fox cr@p. We sat outside as there were 40 of use.
The pub is on a cross roads. Firstly a white 406 estate (taxi) instead of turning off the cross roads decided to turn up a grass bank and try and park in the fence, 10 miuntes passed and a Primera and an A Class decide to turn into each other one left on right, smack. So by this time everyone in the garden is just waiting for the next one, and they didn't disappoint, a burgady 5 series, old type decides to turn left towards the pub, unfortunaley 10 metres after he should have, then in a fantastic understeer moment slid into the kerb, taking off his bumper and screwing up various plastic parts
I kid you not, really weird, but no abnormale circumstances, bar faded white lines