But Ming
Surley the point is that if the Police do not benefit from the cash raised and that their budgets are tiny, should resources not be deployed to areas that are more beneficial to the public, such as looking up chav's who trash cars and make peoples life a misery. In Caversham recently the guy who owns the local Pizza place was put in hospital because he asked some kids to keep the noise down, they beat him to an inch of his life. The kids are there everyday, like most shopping precints and park, being a pain in the ars@, so it would seem obvious that if a regular patrol went round there and told them to move on things might improve.
Whilst on the subject, if alot of crimes such as burglaries are caused by truant kids, why don't the schools let the local coppers know who the truant kids are, you could then finger print them, hey presto lock up the little shi@s