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Everything posted by captint

  1. But Ming Surley the point is that if the Police do not benefit from the cash raised and that their budgets are tiny, should resources not be deployed to areas that are more beneficial to the public, such as looking up chav's who trash cars and make peoples life a misery. In Caversham recently the guy who owns the local Pizza place was put in hospital because he asked some kids to keep the noise down, they beat him to an inch of his life. The kids are there everyday, like most shopping precints and park, being a pain in the ars@, so it would seem obvious that if a regular patrol went round there and told them to move on things might improve. Whilst on the subject, if alot of crimes such as burglaries are caused by truant kids, why don't the schools let the local coppers know who the truant kids are, you could then finger print them, hey presto lock up the little shi@s
  2. I think it looks hot!!, got to way up my FI plans and see whether it's worth waiting and if I can get the readies together. Will it be released in the UK?
  3. 10 minutes down the Oxford road, £12 the Pols do a great job, allowing more time for driving Heathen I know
  4. No not yet, but I took it to Santa Pod In July and Posted a 14.20 QM and when I took it in September I did a 13.77, so either I was just gash the first time or it's made a difference. When I had an M3 (Sorry, I will beat myself for my previous mistakes) I posted a 13.03, again modded but its still quite a way off
  5. Yeah nice to meet with you, hopefully we can get a bigger troop for the next meet
  6. Steve I've got a JWT pop charger, with a heat shield, running down to the air intake hole, it sucks like a bitch and is sooo much better than the standard waffle iron you get. noise, performance all better
  7. Steve Blades are easy to spot, they look like toyota Celicas
  8. No grey is still grey I heard yellow is the new brown
  9. The worlds fastest fruit machine
  10. Haven't you heard grey is the new black
  11. No Neon from us, Less is more, as I like to say.
  12. I think you mean Ebisu Ibitsu sounds like a sneeze! Whats an Ebisu?
  13. kuros looked good, but the GM's shone out (ha ha). Loadsof cars, I reckon 100, some cool, quite a bit ott, but each to their own. Liked Mogwais Nismo exhaust, looked cool. No rozzers around which was a suprise. On thewhole not a bad meet, as Steve said we needto organse a Southern big day out
  14. Also,they were GM's not Blades, not to worry though, good to meet you Stevie_350, H5 and Mogwai. The Zeds were definatley going for the less is more effect. lt looked very good, Steve, did you get any photos? Also they was the most spectacular tw@t inand old BM whodecided to donnut out of control around the car park, what a peanarse
  15. Thanks Mike I will, we should also have the Z badges covered too so their should be some good colour and finish choices too I will keep you updated,but we are working as quickly as possibly to get this done Cheers
  16. I will have pricing on Thursday too, I can't say now as if it fails QC then we have to put more time and possible design changes, what I can say is it will be substantially cheaper than the Nissan one an look alot better
  17. Could be arranged but we have to be very careful because of copy rights I'll find out from the bods if it's possible and come back to you Cheers
  18. Great, this is what I like to see. i should have an update Thursday afternoon Cheers
  19. I Live in North Reading in Emmer Green, but I work in Langley so I'm in your neck of the woods quite a bit.
  20. Great, i'll send you the photos as soon as I have them back, the choices are logo'd and unlogo'd, of course Z logos. I'll come back to you asap Cheers
  21. I also think that style of rear lights should be a criminal offence
  22. I have some of these under construction at the moment, we have two versions in different finishes, we should have them finished and QC'd by the end of the month, we also will have some Z badges too, waiting for the Chroming trials to be completed. I will update you shortly with pictures and prices Cheers
  23. I could be tempted with this. Also remember, one of my many hats is a shipping hat, so it you need something shipped ask me and I'll tell you how much it should really cost you
  24. There's a great Japanese restuurant off of New Oxford Street, no sure the road, but its the road opposite the Old Crown, which is on High Holborn. If you venture for a Japanese omlette it gets cooks infront of you on the hot plate and they use dry fish that gets caught in the thermos from the hot plate and floats around until the girl does a strange hand clap and it falls to the grill. It tastes better than it sounds and it good for a date. Plus Freuds on the top of shaftsbury avenue is 200m's away, across from the Forbidden Planet, rather bohemian bar, but sevres the best Mojito and Tycoon in town
  25. I might be able to get there for 19:30, will anyone still be there from here?
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