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Everything posted by captint

  1. I have had a few mods done and so far Nissan have honoured axles, stereo etc
  2. I'll take on and post it
  3. Unfortunatley, politicans in the UK just don't understand the basic principle of their job, carrying out the will off the people, as opposed to trying to carry out liberal policies to appease their own mis-guided consience. It's time to change, its time to kick some @rse Viva La Revolution
  4. It sounds alot quieter, less roar, the heat sheild makes some difference, I've only seen the dyno results for the JWT, which is about 6.5 HP, but I still think thats an exageration, but it definatley improvespick up
  5. I disagree, but then what can I say
  6. captint

    My Current Car

    Remember to change details, ph numbers, blankout plates, change price, location etc
  7. Thats what the new NPR cameras are for, so they do exist, I've seem them in Reading. They take your numberplate and in 10 seconds,know what car it should be, colour, tax, MOT, insurance etc Speed Scameras are just a cash cow, making money for the Civil Service to justify their pointless and archaic existence Governments should be afraid of the people, not people afraid of their governments
  8. Hey chaps, ok you have 3 ways to erradicate or reduce duty 1) Ship as personal effects, hence no invoice ship through a mover not a forwarder, have to complete aformforcustoms this end after you agent has cleared it and send it to customs, but in reality you don't have to bother, I moved a number of Plasmas and anout 70 mobile phones out of Hong Kong and never got rumbled. It is a tad dodgy though 2) Use a decent forwarder with a Ertz and a good knowledge of Commodity codes. Every item in the world( literally) has its own code, however different duty codes apply to different products and some are duty free,hence you just need a broker who will apply the (in)correct code, this goes on all the timeand is not technically illegal and is essentially untraceable. 3)Use your own forwarder, and get them to cut yourinvoice for you + use stage 2, this means thatyou can under value you products, hence reduce your VAT and pay no duty.
  9. captint

    My Current Car

    Bugger, how many others are on there. Have you done a second post for it without mods and different price and phone number, it sometimes works?
  10. Hey Steve Did you get any good pics from the meet?
  11. I wondered how long it would be. The rub over was the new Auto Glym Extra Deep Shine. Awesome polish especially for newer or darker cars. The winter jacket is Auto Glym Ultra Gloss Protection. It's a semi-permanent coating that gives a rather deep shine and protects the paintwork. I put it on at this time of year to help the car through the winter. Plus, just washing it brings it back up. I did the Zed too........ Ideally need to get the car inside to do it tho, so careful movements in the garage might be needed. H5, will this help to protect against road salt Cheers
  12. Its a bad thing all round, loss of Job's another Uk car manufacturer. The issue will be that the UK is by far the largest Market for TVR's,when the Russian chap bought it some of the guy's n Piston heads said it would be the end (Piston heads was started by TVR fanatics). Now that its moving I'm sure that their market will die. Someoneout their with serious money needs to revitalise the British Auto industry, buy back Aston and the rest will follow.
  13. captint

    Tonneau Cover

    Looks nice, what kind of noise reduction do you get? Also Is this one just slotting intothe gap or are there clips ? Cheers
  14. WhenI had an S2000 I used to get really crappy reception on the radio, is this the case using a stubby as that seemed the only rational explanation
  15. captint

    My Current Car

    Mate have you tried Pistonheads, it's free andI sold my old car to the first person I spoke, whole processtook acouple of days www.pistonheads.com
  16. Great As soon as I have the pic's i'll post them up
  17. Spotted Auzure Private plate M4 18:15, middle lane West bound
  18. Thanks Mike I will, we should also have the Z badges covered too so their should be some good colour and finish choices too I will keep you updated,but we are working as quickly as possibly to get this done Cheers Ok Update for those that are interested, we have passed QC for the tonneau covers, however we have been experiementing with different insulation foam for noise reduction, we should have the best possible result next week, however I wanted to ask whether people thought we should bring out an a and b product. Product a) offers minimal noise reduction, for those who want to hear the exhaust sounds in the car and product for those who want to reduce road noise as much as possible. With the Z badges, we have had to make some slight alterations to avoid copy right infringments, but they should look the biz, we think we will be able to offer the following finishes Statin Smoked Chrome Chrome Stainless I will update you again as soon as I have news but we seem to be making good headway Cheers
  19. Thanks Ming I agree and appreciate your openess. Lets just hope one day we get a government strong enough to stand up against all the PC bollox, before we end up being the 51st state
  20. I forgot to mention, when H5, myself and Stevie_350 were meeting at the BP on the A4, another Kuro Z rocked up, we thought perhaps to join in the meet, instead, just blanked us, filled up and fuc@ed off. Weird as if you saw 3 sports cars lined up and you were in one, you would have thought that he would have wanted to know what was going on?
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