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Everything posted by captint

  1. Unless it's crap and you've driven 500 miles for a lemon
  2. captint

    Tonneau Cover

    Hi Sheena Paypal will be fine, I will post all pic's and details this week. Of and hi, welcome to the forum, it ROCKS.
  3. captint

    Tonneau Cover

    They have a laser measrued smooth cut Hardboard core, outer layer of acoustic dampening foam, an acoustic and vibration dampening base, covered with an felt/nylon cloth 99% colour match to Z boot interior and a cut outer lining too make the outside seamless. Sturdy, it's solid as fook, but soft to the touch. Deliveries will be on a Nextday UK wide basis, so if you do place an order (when I get the stock delivered) we can deliver to home or work 5 days a week for free.
  4. Thatsmy life history not my schooling Although I missed 2004 Hong Kong Secret society - can't tell you it's a secret
  5. thats a long period to be at school I'm just very thick
  6. captint

    Tonneau Cover

    We are looking at a of £49.00 Delivered UK.
  7. captint

    Tonneau Cover

    Hmmmmmm Interesting Cheers
  8. All burn't due to blackmail possibilities Henley 1975 - 1994 Southampton 1994 - 1997 Henley 1997 - 2000 Reading 2000 - 2006
  9. Whats the highest rating you can have 10,000 posts a Zedi Master?
  10. If it makes the Evo cut then it's a real drivers car, hence no Audi's although the new M Coupe is ment to be a bit of ahandful
  11. Let us know about Sema Developments,also any new deep dish 19's out there
  12. Ah Boris, when I was a Henley boy, Boris came in to the Angel on the Bridge, ask us what needed to change, my brother in law said cheaper stella, Boris took out his pad wrote it down and said very good andbought us all a pint Top Man
  13. NOt sure what he was talking about, hopefully not goats
  14. TT = Mondeo Z3= Suzuki Vitara
  15. If you don't buy your X Factor calendar you'll be half way there
  16. As a wise old man once told me "their all pink on the inside"
  17. Damnand I am about to hit my pathetic 350 (just realised the significance) Dohh
  18. There are many factors that determine what you pay but the generally are US Zip Code Shippers Margin (go direct to forwarder loose this) UK Postcode (collect where you can) Weight Cubic Volume Air or Sea Freight It would always make senseas well if your buying from the states to tell everyone elseand see who else is shipping as this will also reduce your costs as long as yu arebuying from the same place.
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