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Everything posted by captint

  1. Good work chap, just like a Hollywood love story
  2. Don't like plates like that. A bloke passes me occasionally in a red original shape SLK with the plate "69 BOY". I just think w@nker......... Totally agree, maybe he should add an s to his plate
  3. Are you sure its in it
  4. Up for that, how about the March meet, will be lighter, warmer and enough time to rally the troops
  5. Are you serious about the asbestos, that would be a much bigger issue
  6. A tree fell down in the car park of the Pub at the end of my road and crushed some dudes cavalier !!! What was funny was that he was drinking in the pub across the road and not the pub where he parked and the landlord had asked him to move his car as he was a persistant offender, and he basically said F off. Justice:D
  7. captint

    Dragster Z

    I agree Dragsters suck, the are for people who like monster trucks, WWF and dressing up as cowboys
  8. Mate, we know your really in Skeggy
  9. Well its ok, but I wouldn't drive 60 miles for it, its usually, me, H5, Stevie 350, Hanel and Mug Wump, plus between 50 and 150 Jap cars depending on the turnout. Plus as allour cars are currently not modded beast's (currently!!) it means we do not generate huge interest
  10. Car, Bike , 7.5 Tonner, scooter, van, depends on the year you passed your test
  11. My SMG box (although not techincally an auto) wouldn't hold on hills, you had to pull back the pabble which increased the revs
  12. Mate for you its not worth the trek
  13. I have Tein super streets but haven't installed them yet, I think spill has and possibly the Minel and of course Bap has. I have an EDFC too.
  14. yup, moved to correct section
  15. Got a copy of J Tuner Magazine a few months ago and it was quite good, I tink our very own Stephen G is a guest writer. Its not your normal Max power to55 so I was quite pleased. But now it's dissappeared, has it been discontinued
  16. Topic split as I was taking the Newbies thread off topic, which isn't very fair
  17. Double Bugger, its coz Stevie 350 the South East Mafia Consultary is away that we missed it
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