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Everything posted by captint

  1. I should know, but don't, whats the point of test pipes?
  2. If you want to see a cliquey forum go to Beer Mountain .com, that is extremley them and us
  3. Get a TT or S/C shes only 0-60 in 5.64 so you could cruize and wave dude
  4. captint

    Luma M5

    Those look like a nasty deep dish venom wheels
  5. A mate of mine is a mechanic and he say's he would never touch a car that someone has died in and that his scrap merchants wouldn't either
  6. I'm not getting at you but could I PLEASE ask that his not become a site wars thread - that was not my intention. To frame your views sure, but not beyond that No problem, and not my intention, but you have asked a leading question, therefore was just asking for your own answer, general, oc vs uk, or this forum focused, don't really care, was just interested in your opnion. But of course you don't have to answer and I am not trying to degenerated the post into a slanging match
  7. Sorry Dude hadn't realised you had posted inbetween. I think the key is people should help newbies, meet more and chill out a bit more, if you have an issue, either talk it out on PM, request help, or take it outside like real men A forums for life not just for Christmas
  8. Kev I know your scoop Dude, Im curious what Dorian thinks, not baiting by the way
  9. Agreed But some times a mans got to do what a mans got to do
  10. captint

    P3 Service

    What is involved in the P3
  11. Oh I don't disagree, I'm just saying its a very odd situation
  12. So whats your comparison to the OC
  13. Not that I am a ST kind of guy these days and most definatley not wanting to go over old blood, but the arguments against this never really made any sense to me.
  14. Depends what parts your using
  15. Well its really dependant what you want Cheapest option I'd say is to go Plenum, Zorst, Utec, brakes and sus, I reckon you could do this for £5k probabley 20 hP more, but much better handling and brakes will make a hell of a difference Second Option all in APS single turbo, which I think you can do for £5195 with WRC, thats all in on the road. I would always say do brakes and clutch, but not everyone agrees Or You could Go Vortech S/C buy your parts from Performance Nissan in the USA, I Reckon 6 - 7 K all in for a good tune plus all additinal parts, maybe add brakes for another grand Twin Turbo, you really need another couple of Grand at least and thats running without many elements that I would say are critical.
  16. where do you live I know a seat upolsterer in Feltham
  17. Sorry Mike, it was actually a test and you passed, well done
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