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Everything posted by captint

  1. If I have my Tein Super Streets installed, EDFC and new wheels, brakes, pads all done at once, it should make life easier right. But the question is, Phil how did you get your rotas to look like they fill your arches so well, and how with all the above in mind can I achieve the same result if I get those whee;s (also do not want less than 275 on the back
  2. Top draw, if only I could ride a bike without falling off!
  3. Locked as requested by Dorian as it was his question
  4. Was it a flea bay purchase?
  5. God work fellah, did you get the wholw kit or just bits
  6. Gather the troops, there's a lot of love and hugs a coming
  7. 144 cars doing 100 mph, how do you manage to keep formation
  8. Your feedback tried to help,found buyer couldnt get past a 1 line sentence,quite ignorant. Sounds familiar
  9. Chavtastic Actually, I have to a agree with Sarnie on this, I am not a huge fan of Scooby's or EVO's, they may be great performance machines, but their aesthetics are poor, very little style. Much better move with the Zed and at least with it being slower more people will see you in it
  10. Yeah hopefully, on Saturday I was fish tailing all over the place. But not in a wah hay hay this is great sense, but in a @*!# I have to pootle along otherwise I will end up in a ditch way
  11. I have the Michellins and I have to say at the moment I think their pants, could be as the roads are very greasy though, but will change to Toyos as soon as I change my wheels
  12. Yeah but you have to go to Switzerland
  13. Not that there is anything wrong with a tiptronic box, but I would say sports cars should always have a manual gearbox. Silver is not the most exciting colour. That would be Gun Metal grey, now thats a great colour. Warranties will problabley be independant, so will be in relation to the importers scheme and nothing to do with Nissan Also look out for silly mileage, Japan is a lot bigger than they would have you think.
  14. Poo, how do you get round this without becoming a law breaker? Would True dual and HF be ok?
  15. So this is a straight through solution, is that a bit against the law? Would HF cats suffice or would they cause too much back pressure
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