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Everything posted by captint

  1. captint

    Nismo Kit

    Did you sell it on?
  2. So is it purely aesthectic?
  3. captint

    Nismo Kit

    Also is there any benefit other than aesthetics, such as aero dynamics
  4. Hey Val How much lighter is the bonnet than the standard on?
  5. captint

    Nismo Kit

    Val did it look good when you had the lip on it
  6. Yeah he's around, he's just very busy, I'm sure he will be around shortly
  7. captint

    Nismo Kit

    Can you not just put a lip on instead of changing the whole bumper to get the same effect?
  8. captint

    Nismo Kit

    I would agree with that, what sort is that
  9. captint

    Nismo Kit

    So if I want to add something to add a bit of presence to the car, without it going over the top, what would you recommend, do want to do spolier as I can't see the point, and would like to keep the weight down, any suggestions
  10. Thats fooking awful, surely its against the law, after all their mammals
  11. captint

    Nismo Kit

    Are they justs add ons. is this the same for the front?
  12. captint

    Nismo Kit

    Sorry Phil, what are spats
  13. captint

    Nismo Kit

    What does the rear bumper of the Nismo kit look like
  14. Buying would cut down on mods though as it already has some! Plus its a UK car, so thats a pretty good price
  15. captint

    My new rims

    Nice tartan wallpaper
  16. Get it fixed and then present it to them, if they don't pay go and see the dean of the college and get him to kick their ass, guaranteed to work
  17. captint

    GT4 or GT4?

    Is that a mood king or jokey comment
  18. Guest presenter Steven Seigal What a Fat B@astard
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