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Everything posted by captint

  1. On the ball tonight then, yup, hopefully my stage 1 will be ready then
  2. Are you sure thats not the beginning to Dads army
  3. Aren't we meeting on the 15th for the Reading meet
  4. Last June at Le Mans at around 02:00 on Sunday morning we went to the Porsche Curves to watch the race, which funnily enough is where the Porsche Club hangs out, and I have to say, I have never met a nicer bunch of pompous tw@ts
  5. Mate, don't want you to shut up, welcome to OCoholics
  6. Kev, as Gerald Raytner said, " no publicity is bad publicity", are you sure your not the PR for the OC
  7. And I'm not a motor cyclist, so every things sweet
  8. Can't be thats like one a week, surley they'd shut it
  9. I hear that can be very expensive
  10. Slow, Pink and badly done, you couldn't **** it up any more if you tried
  11. I wonder how many cars crash on the Ring now in comparison
  12. Hey Zedrush, wilkommen I'm thinking of going to the Ring over the summer with a group mates, am having my car prepped at the moment, when are you thinking of, we are aiming for the end of August. Also we are seeing if we can get in on a non public track day, to avoid the usual mismatch of bikes and ice crean vans.
  13. I like mine, it just is going due to FI
  14. Try confused.com if not herts will beat whatever you give them, good for modded cars
  15. Mine will be up for grabs in the next two weeks, 5000 miles on it £50 smackers
  16. I agree pal With the uncertainty of my zed at the moment plus shelling out £££Â£'s on Mrs Sarnie for Valentines I would rather have the cash. If I keep the zed I'll re-buy them again at some point I can't believe your going to sell your Zed
  17. And I ended up taking my Mrs out, harmony restored
  18. Easy, if you are confident in your earning abilities and that you can make a success of it, extend your morgage to cover your salary, + some extra bunce, the once you have started to make some real money, pay it back, hence, no lost Z interest will be less that the loss from the car, plus you break even. If you are not confident enough to do it, then do leave you job.
  19. Or provided that you don't get caught
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