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Everything posted by bluelady

  1. Is that all u guys do - watch footie. How SAD is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jane xx
  2. Hi Jacko, Yes back to work unfortunately!!!!!! Who need Dating Direct - the only prob is that the car attracts all the wrong sort of guys usually. Even the ones that get pi**ed off about being overtaken on the motorway. Had a guy the other day leaned out of his BMW and asked for my mobile no - how sad is that. Janexx
  3. No just good at my job and the boys are pussy cats!!!!!!!!!!!! As to how I look come to sunny Devon and find out. Jane x
  4. Poor Sarnie, The words "Bitten off more then you can chew comes to mind"!!!!!! Well just hope some more women start posting their replies. Jane xxx PS I manage an office full of guys what do u think they suffer ?????? However they are well trained they make me tea/coffee - eating out of my hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Tease!!!!!! Boys I have not warmed up yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad you missed me. Janex
  6. Sarnie, Who said I have white bits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jane x
  7. Sarnie As u know already we women that live in the west have LOTS to say. You can always drive down and find the sun. Janex :-)
  8. Hi Choptop, Yes there are a few of us South - I live in Exeter. So maybe they will start to listen to the South of the country. Bluelady (Jane) x
  9. Hi Guys, Well still trying to catch up on the paperwork on the desk. Had a GREAT hols and I can recommend Kos. Temperatures very good - great tan and was cold when I flew into Birmingham had to return to Devon and put on the central heating!!!!. So u boys did miss me then as the pages have been very quiet by the looks of it. Jane x
  10. Excitable Boys!!!!!!!!!!!! Mmmmmmmmmm. Cant say I am glad to be back as it was very hot and sunny for 2 whole weeks. Missed my baby though. Janex
  11. Hi Guys, Well maybe I should put in a new name!!!!! Sunkissed and brown!!!!!!!!!! By the way the toes are brown too. Hope u boys have not been bored without anyone to tease you. Jane x
  12. Bet u do cheeky boy!!!!!!!!!!! Talk soon, Be good, Jane x
  13. Will do my best to try to catch u up. 0ut of here boys be good without me. No one to give u a run for you rmoney either. What a shame. Go on say it typical women always wants the last word. Speak again soon, Jane xxxxxxxxxx
  14. Have never been to Kos before. Have been to Cephalonia and Ithica. They are some of the most unspoilt places I have been to. Greeks are lovely hosts too. Jane x
  15. No not a Fiat - I was thinking more on the lines of a VERY fetching shade of RED!!!!! What u think????? Jane:- ) xx
  16. Hope u have a great time in Italy. Dont get tempted by the Italian motors will u Jane x
  17. Now keep this thread alive boys until I get back wont U. No chance of being spotted again as washed the baby and pur her to bed now for 2 weeks. Jane x
  18. Thanks babes will do my best off to Kos for two weeks. Will miss my baby though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just topping up the tan. Jane :-) xx
  19. Hi Boys, Well i am still waiting to see the pics of these skirts. Jane x :-) P.S., Just off to work on the tan for 2 weeks!!!!!
  20. Yes Liam lets see some pics of you for a change!!!!! Skirt/shirt you choose!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jane x
  21. Hi Stew, "The Boys" needed waking up dont you think!!! Also a run for their money. By the way Blue is my favourite colour. Have a good weekend. Jane x
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