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Everything posted by bernmc

  1. I use the Meguirs NXT glass cleaner as well... and my wife nicks the bloody stuff for the house windows too . Can't get a better recommendation than that!
  2. oops - you're right. fixed now. How've you found the internal/leather/rubber products?
  3. I know everyone will have their own preferences, but I think it's useful to have different ideas in the same thread... So: I used to use the meguiars 1-2-3 range as well. Just moved on to Zaino, and I do think that some of the Zaino products are better - but more expensive! Firstly, as an initial wash - ie when I've first bought the car and am starting from scratch, I do use a dish-washing liquid solution, precisely because it is a bit harsh, and will strip virtually everything off the car. I also spray the side skirts, wheels and wheel arches with a citrus degreaser. As I say, this is a one off process - these products will damage your paint if you use them regularly. 2ndly, using the meguiars quick-clay kit is an expensive way to clay a car. When I was using it, I easily got through a bottle and a half of the quick detailer each time (this was on the legnum, which is a BIG car). All the detailer does is act as a lubricant for the clay. I now use a spray bottle with dilute zaino car shampoo as the lubricant - much cheaper, and just as effective. You can buy clay bars separately. Rember that if you drop a clay bar, you need to throw it away or you'll be griiting not claying ! Always have a spare handy. The zaino system doesn't need a paint a paint cleaner - it's all done by the Z2/Z5 and the activator, so I've actually found it a lot easier than the Meguiars system. The polish is also easier to apply because you use so little. It's early days, but I've been very impressed with the zaino external stuff so far. I washed the legnum with zaino shampoo for the first time this weekend, and have been very impressed with it compared to Meguiars Gold. The leggie is due a proper polish, so it's been looking a bit scrappy. It looked fantastic after a simple wash and dry with the zaino shampoo - I can't recommend this stuff enough! I'm less enthusiastic about the zaino interior and black stuff cleaners though - again it's early days, but I think I'll be sticking with Meguiars Trim detailer for the black bits. Not sure about Zaino leather products - my wife did the Z's seats with this, and I think she rushed it (although I wouldn't tell her to her face ). I'll be having another go soon. Meguiars Hot Rims Wheel cleaner is the best product I've used for cleaning brake dust off untreated rims - awesome stuff. However, since I've zaino'd the Z's wheels, simple zaino shampoo and water is all that I've needed to clean the alloys. For the windows, I use Meguiars NXT glass cleaner. This is becoming a sore point in our house as the aforementioned wife keeps nicking the bleeding stuff to do the house windows ! She thinks it's the best she's used too - and she's cleaned a lot of windows! At £8 a bottle it has to be good! And finally, for the finishing touch, once I've washed and dried, I go over the car with zaino Z6 spray (Meguiars equivalent is the Quick detailer spray) - works just like window cleaner - spray on and buff off before it dries. Very quick, and gives a lovely shine. You can see the results of my older Meguiars efforts by clicking the Legnum link in my sig below, and my first attempts at Zaino by clicking the 350Z link in my sig. Yours analy B!
  4. First graph shows why the Legnum feels quicker - although peak torque and power figures are virtually the same, the Legnum has 80% of peak power by 4000 rpm, 90% by 4500 and maintains this or above right to the red line- the curve is much flatter than the Z's. The supercharger graph is in a different league though... drool!
  5. taverumuch! I assume the first was a chassis dyno too, and the 'flywheel' figure is actually wheel + fudge-factor? WRC normally give power at the wheels when they use the 'std shootout' settings - is that the case here, or is it also wheels+fudge factor?
  6. Just an idea -want to see the differnce in power and torque curves (and get some idea of why the std engine feels so much less punchy than my VR4 - think it may just be because of a more linear power delivery, althugh the VR4's curve isn't that pointy...) Completely std car - 280BHP. TT and SC - whatever people on the forum are running, although judging by the massive response, no-one here is... Down at the back! Form an orderly queue! ONE AT A TIME I SAID.
  7. Nice one. Have to agree with the analysis of the Z, although I've only got the 2004 280bhp flavour - the engine (in NA form ) doesn't feel as powerful as I expected when you get down to some real driving, and the brembo's are less than awe-inspiring! Think the brakes should be sorted with decent pads, and then maybe a couple of turbo's when the bank manager agrees...? It's wonderful to drive though- that Bose sound system is a waste of money - I've yet to use it... the windows are always down, and I use any excuse to downshift and make that V6 howl !!!!!!!!
  8. I've got a MY04, so it's not the latest satnav - the MY06 has a slightly differnt one. £1600 option - wot a ripoff. IMHO (and I'm the humblest person I know ) it's a piece of poo! Nice big screen, but that's it. Menu nav and select via a joystick (haven't they heard of touch screen?), very little in terms of route config - fastest or quickest and that's it. Limited colour options, one voice, and I've found the actual routing dreadful - maybe london is better because it's a major city...? My 300 quid Navman is FAR better in every respect aprt from the screen size and the fact that I have to take it off the windscreen whenever I leav the car. DONT GET IT! WASTE OF MONEY!
  9. bernmc


    Yelllooooowww Pages: Britannia Tyres
  10. bernmc


    Just confirm that they've got the same equipment - my bunch have only had it for a couple of months...
  11. bernmc


    Toddled off to the local Britannia Tyres in Nuneaton today to have the Goodyear F1's fitted. Manage to avoid the Inbred and got there safely I asked them to check the tracking while they were at it. Much excitement about working on such a nice car, and the enthusiastic tracking dude was only too keen to show me his new toy - machine called a supertracker. It's a computerised system with a huge database of cars and all their tracking details - camber/toe-in/thrust angle etc. Adjusts itself for wheel and tyre sizes too. It even had my imported VR4 in it's database. Anyway, just dial in the correct car from the database, then car gets plonked on the ramp with the wheels in metal dishes so the can move freely when adjustments are made. Then a cunning sender unit gets attached to each wheel: (sorry for the phone pic quality!) The modules talk to the main PC wirelesly. In a couple of seconds, you get a screen like this, with all the relevant tracking measurements: That's just for the rears! Green is in spec, yellow slightly out, and red way out. Select the one you want to fiddle with, and you get a full screen view: This is updated in real time as the spanner man twiddles his nuts ( ), so he just watches the screen as he adjusts. Get the needle of the guage pointing straight up and the job's done. At the end of it all, you get a printout with all the before and after values: Neat huh! £15 per wheel adjusted. Compare that with what your dealer will try to charge you for four wheel alignment!
  12. I think the baileys are piston-type BOV's. You need a stronger spring, I suspect. Spring too soft - valve opens under boost. Spring too hard, valve won't open or 'chatters'. If it's an adjustable valve, then you need to increase the tension by twiddling the adjusting nut. You want to use as light a spring (tension) as possible without the valve opening under boost - remember, you want the valve to open and dump extra boost as quickly as possible to prevent the turbo stalling.
  13. I tried sky, Adrian Flux and Lifesure. (350Z GT with Nismo alloys and body kit). Sky couldn't get below £600, AF did better at around £540, and lifesure beat them all with £518. £350 XS protected no claims. Would have been around £400 without the alloys and kit. Probably helped that the Legnum is also insured through them, and both my wife and I have 6 years NCB. Get a quote from a couple of companies, and then get them to price match or beat. Everything is negotiable, including like-for-like mods replacement, the excess etc - you just have to have the cahoonies to ask!
  14. I know this is a bit of an old thread, but I had a similar problem when driving my leggie back from the liverpool docks - was a nearly flat battery strangely enough. Put a new battery in, and problem solved. Other possibility (apart from those mentioned) is a faulty or fouled ABS sensor or damaged abs ring. I don't know how clever the Nissan system is, but anything that significantly alters the rolling diameter of one of the wheels may trigger the system - again on the legnum if one of the tryres drops below 30psi (std 34psi), it starts to trigger the Active Yaw. As you already have a different rolling diameter due to different profiles, a change in tyre pressure may be much more noticable...?
  15. Harrumph!!! Teacher's Pet
  16. They brake very well right from cold, and don't fade at all. I bought my brembo calipers second hand and there weren't any shims with the pads that were in them - the DS2500's wailed like a banshee under light braking . I cut a set of shims out of the bottom of a biscuit tin (blue peter badge please), applied lots of copper grease to the backs of the pads and the shims, and problem solved. They don't squeal at all now. I wouldn't use anything else! Mind you, the first time my wife took the car out with the new pads, she nearly had someone drive right up her bum (oo-er) - she hadn't expected the car to stop so suddenly.
  17. Hee! My VR4 does this too. Better than 'CAUTION! This vehicle is reversing!' (another helpful post... NOT!)
  18. mmmm wot's the PCD and offset on the nissan's wheels...? Wonder if these'll fit my legnum. Biggest problem is usually the brembo calipers (if they'll fit an EVO6, they'll fit the VR4). Not wild about the style, but I'll be needing new tyres soon...
  19. Well, it seems that there aren't any 245/35/19 RE050A's in the country, so I've gone for tried and tested Eagle F1 GSD3's. £200 a tyre flippin' heck!
  20. mmm. Just ordered two front potenza RE050A's for the Z (245/35/19's)... have there been problems with the bridgestones then? at £200 a pop, I don't want to make an expensive mistake...? I have GSD3's on the legnum, and they're brilliant... just stuck to the RE050A's because that's what's on the rear of the car atm.
  21. You need to edit your pics - something like paintshop pro or photoshop. Reduce the size to something resonable - 800x600ish, and save them as jpg's with a bit of compression (I use 10%). Should get them down to 100kbish each... If you're really stuck, you can email them to me and I'll edit them for you.
  22. Difficult one this.... This is the current 'other' car in the family - my Mitsi Legnum VR4 - 2.5l twin turbo with the same cunning AWD that the EVOs have, all in a nice non-descript non boy-racer inciting package. My favourite quote from one of the EVO boys: 'No offence mate, but you'd never expect one of those to bite you in the 4rse!' But... I suppose the car I remember with most affection is the space-frame buggy my father and I built when I finished school and toddled off to university to be educated - there must have been a piece of every car in existence in it - toyota engine, vw suspension, ford hubs, renault wheels etc etc. Weighed 600kg with me in it and had a 1.5l tuned engine, so it went like the clappers off the line. As aerodynamic as a brick, so it hit a wall when I went over 60! Some pics (with me in my student days - no, it's not the 2nd coming )
  23. Something along the lines of... Click 'Gallery' in the navigation section above the forum, click 'create/order my albums', click 'new' and give it a name. Then all you do is click 'upload file' in the nav section above - it's third along: Home :: My gallery :: Upload file :: Logout [bernmc] Forums :: Album list :: Last uploads :: Last comments :: Most viewed :: Top rated :: My Favorites :: Search It's not the most user-friendly gallery out there, and I find it quite difficult to navigate and view other people's pics, which is possibly why some use photbucket etc. If you're a member of several forums, having your pics in one external place is probably easier too.
  24. Legnum - in an even worse state.... Top stuff!
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