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Everything posted by bernmc

  1. Don't know about the occupants. Wife works at Cov Uni. There're a couple of car nuts in the same building who spotted her big 350z poster on the wall. Apparently the z in the pics had been roled somewhere near to one of them, and he'd popped out for some pics which he brought in to show her!
  2. /andy: 'yeahIknow' We're going to have a leisurely drive down on Friday, spend the night in a local B&B and have a fun day. Anyone got any recommendations for trackday insurance?
  3. tempting... difficult without knowing how much damage there really is though. Get it plus a stroker kit... could be a nice basis for a super engine...
  4. Well, I'll take it no-one knows then. Rats. I'm going to order: Sonus SFX Polisher Kit Sonus DAS Buffing Bonnet, Pkg/2 The Perfect Shine Detailing Clay Intro Package (2) Meguiars Water Magnet Drying Towel 303 Aerospace Protectant, 16 oz. (2) Comes to around 170 quid with shipping and discount - not bad as long as Mr customs man doesn't nab me!
  5. How come I'm the only 350Z on the list :angry::angry:???? www.hyeline.com
  6. What's the spec of the audi? And on a bit of a tangent... are you keeping the RX8? If not, why are you changing to the Z? I ask because we had multiple test drives in boththe Z and RX8 before choosing the Z - I love the RX8's interior and that dash - especially the rev counter! In the end, the oil guzzling put us off a bit (it's the wife's car), and the fact that the Z had more torque so more driveable in traffic (?) and had better brakes swayed us to the Z. In terms of buying spec - just get as much as you can for the price! Std cars are likely to be more difficult to sell on...
  7. bernmc

    Sods Law

    Bat reversed out of her space into the car when my wife was driving into the car park, so there was no escaping. It'll all be covered by their insurance, so there shouldn't be a problem there - it's just the hassle of organising the repair, getting it approved, getting a courtesy car etc. We've waited a long time to buy the Z - my wife has had her hyundai for 6 years, so she's gutted. As I said, nothing to serious, fortunately - should be grateful I suppose, but...
  8. bernmc

    Sods Law

    The wife usually teaches dancing on Tuesday evenings. Needs to cart a load of equipment, so she usually has the VR4 for the day, and it's my day out with the Z. 'Need my car today, darling?' sez I this am 'No - no dancing tonight' sez she. So I'm off to work in the VR4. Get a phone call at around 9am from her.... some daft old bat has reversed into her pride & joy in the carpark FFS. 1400 quids worth of damage - cracked front bumper and nismo front splitter, headlamp washer jams open. Nothing major, but a pain in the bum to sort out :( Curses.
  9. bernmc

    stroker kit

    Some of my concerns there too. Basic is that NA engines typically run higher compression ratios - 10+:1 whereas FI tend to be around 8:1. Bolt a big blower on to your Z, and it's a lot of air/fuel mix being pumped into that tiny space. There are mutterings about the pistons used in the std engine being weak around the ring area etc etc. As you say, it's quite difficult to get straight answers... A stroker kit will set you back $5000 - without fitting and machining... then add your turbo... big dollars, but I suspect the only way to do it reliably. Depends on how much boost you want to run, and how long you plan to keep the car....
  10. bernmc

    stroker kit

    Here's one for puny 4.3 liters http://www.nissanperformancemag.com/june04/aebs/
  11. bernmc

    stroker kit

    dirty boys. Alters the stroke of the engine (ie how much up-down distance the pistons travel) to increase cubic capacity.
  12. Does anyone know the real difference between the porter cable DAS (Dual Action System) and SFX pads? Trying to decide which to get, and can't see what the difference is.... ???? Most people seem to go for the SFX kits...
  13. bernmc

    Our cars

    Hey! Another Z + AWD turbo looney The man has class!
  14. Bl00dy hooligan! Personally, I never go over 20.
  15. Thor's not far from me, so if you do get a bunch togetrher I'll come down for a chat and an ogle. No plans for an ECU for the Z at the moment myself.
  16. What a coinicidence... driving to work this morning, and who should pop up in front of me (cue jaws music )........ I was in the VR4 this time, and in no mood to mess about. Greasy wet roads, so I just overtook him and disappeared mmff!
  17. I have a great drive to and from work - 20 miles of windy country roads each way... best part of my day Took the Z today - wife was concerned that the clutch seemed to be sticking (didn't have any problems so not sure what that's about). Anyway, came up behind an S2000 on the way back. Now these are quick cars, particularly through the twisty bits. Any half decent driver should be able to make mincemeat of a set of country roads. I'm not aggressive towards other people on the road - I don't drive up people's bums trying to egg them on or anything like that - I like to sit back a resonable distance and have a play if the other guy/gal's up for it. So no pushing, weaving or similar lunacy. Pottered behind a van for a couple of miles when the honda driver decided it was time to go for it. I followed - felt we were doing moderate speeds - nothing like what I'd normally do in the VR4 as I'm not used to the Z yet. But the S2000 driver must have been near his limit... started using all of the road - even around blind bends. Why do people feel the need to do this on public roads? I was sitting a good 5 car lengths back, keeping in my lane, and keeping up with him easily. In fact, I started hanging further and further back when I saw the way he was driving. The inevitable happened - on one of his jaunts across into the oncoming lane around a bend, a car popped out of a side road and turned towards him Oh f*** I thought... now there's going to be trouble.. he slammed on his anchors - snaking and fishtailing all over the place towards the curb, huge cloud of dust billowed up, and something silver came flying out and into the bushes. Thank goodness I'd allowed a safe distance to build up - I had plenty of time to slow and watch the action. I thought he was a gonner for sure, but the lucky sod must have a guardian angel - he'd just clipped the curb, raised up a cloud of dust, and kicked up an empty plastic bottle! Poor driver in the other car was a bit pale! Stupid bugger didn't slow down though - just kept hammering it until lorries stopped play - fortunately only about a 100m on! You'd think he'd have got the message. The thing that amazed me was that I didn't feel we were going that fast, so to get into that kind of trouble, he must be one lousy driver! I've been driving without ESP, so have been tiptoeing fairly gingerly - the Z's fat back end is not afraid to bite - so I genuinely was being conservative. Throughout it all, there was never a moment where I felt the Z was getting a bit lairy, or I was pushing things a bit. Stupid 4rse!
  18. wtf is 'split mint'??? Something like a polo? I must be getting old.
  19. centre box sticker (silver) - not avail in brushed? sunglasses/light switch panel (loomininim).
  20. Looks very good... any chance of pics of the looominiminuminum? I fancy some of those...
  21. If you read through the setailing section of the site, most of your answers should be answered. Nissan uses Supaguard - which even some of the dealers don't rate as any good!. It's way overpriced. The various polish/treatment systems will give your paint some protection (I use Zaino), but nothing apart from a physical barrier will stop stone chipping - do a search here for 'Paint Shield'
  22. Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! They're soooooooooo ugly! And you had such a sexy Z!???? I blame the drugs.
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