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Everything posted by P15UL T

  1. Welcome aboard ... 5 years without the forum !! Tis the best car forum ;-) Paul
  2. What a nice car !!!!! Shame it's an HR or I'd have bought the supercharger from you - mine is a de :-( !!!! Good luck with the sale buddy
  3. Where did you get the red nut and washer set for the strut bar ? Looks very nice Paul
  4. I've got a long way to go but most parts are here. :-)
  5. Mine arrived this morning. Thanks so much :-D
  6. Don't remember it having any issues Paul
  7. Was it a silver one ? Saw one with a big wing parked near my brothers gym a lot
  8. I've been on your website ;-). Keep me in mind when you next have any money off offers or products needing testing :-D Paul
  9. Hi guys. Toying with the idea of supercharging the zed. Ideally a vortech v3i If you know of anyone looking to put there charged zed back to standard send them my way :-) Or any dealers out ther me that have any special offers on - drop me a pm Cheers Paul
  10. Looks like the same design of the SUMMIT one I had on my last Zed. It's was pretty robust. All will depend on materials used though. Paul
  11. Cheers Chris. Drop me a pm with any remapping info you have :-)
  12. Hi. The bumpers are Amuse AMS GT bumpers. They are replicas. They are available on eBay. Hope this helps
  13. I'm still looking at finding at neat way to put them into the wing mirrors. No nice solution yet though.
  14. The red top coat is more of a red dye. It's very translucent. Takes 4 costs to build it up to that colour. Can't wait to see the car in the sun ....... When does the sun come back to Scotland ? May ? Lol. Paul
  15. I bought both bumper from another zed owner. Th front bumper had been fitted before so only needed a little repair and some high build primer and flattened back. The rear was a totally different story. It looked great but turns out it needed a lot of work to get it to the way you see it in the last pictures. I've got a feeling it'll need a little more work doing before the paint is applied. The car was suppose to be finished for today but after the extra time the bumpers have taken I asked him just to wait till after new year to save him rushing/stressing about it Paul
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