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Everything posted by P15UL T

  1. I've been where you are mate. I was in a 16 year relationsship from the age of 15....... We got married after 9 years. Bothe had good jobs and great house , cars etc but we drifted apart ( well from my point of view). She had very little interest in my hobbies and the same could be said about me and hers. It's not that we argues but that was probably down to my laid back nature. Like you I was made to feel bad for doing things that I wanted to do like work on cars or go to shows. I drifted away from all my school friends( and not sideways in a car cause that would be cool ! lol ) I was made to feel bad when I wanted to do something seperatly etc. My problem was I bottled all my feelings up and after a few years I eventually just sat her down and told her I was leaving. It was literally a spur of the moment decision and to this day I have no idea why I picked that moment to tell her. I wish I had handled things differently as it devastated her. I know in my heart it needed to be done but it was the hardest thing I've ever went threw. I'm on the other side of it now and I have no regrets, I'm happy and have the life I think I deserve with a great girl who understands how things should be. We basically set out he ground rules at the start agreeing that we need to be open with each other and not be guilt tripping each other about any decisions. If we have a problem we would talk about it. To this day I don't think there has been any !! Good luck with whichever way you decide to go my friend. It's not easy making the rights choice. But I'm my opinion it's harder to live with the wrong choice Paul
  2. Yup it'll be the zeds new home , eventually I'll have a 4 poster up in the back corner :-D
  3. On my my car the painter leaves the front screen in but removes the seal around it. The rear gets fully removed and the two small side windows get masked up. Paul
  4. Progress has been slow. I'm waiting on more parts arriving for the supercharge conversion Got all my fluids though Been busy building this :-)
  5. Nice looking car. Welcome on board :-) Paul
  6. I've got a de headlight available. It's on eBay just now. It's fully working though and £220+ postage. You could probably sell on the hid bulb and power pack on. Someone might even buy the back off you if theres is damaged. Paul
  7. Thoughts go out to you and your family.... Beautiful car :-) Paul
  8. Yes the front lenses are the same :-)
  9. I'm pretty sure you can't get the headlight external lenses seperatly. I use to modify a lot of headlights and never came across them. I also don't think the rear casings are the same on both models of headlights. I think the internal fittings are different to allow for the bi-xenon lamps. May be wrong in this though. Just trying to remember from my shot memory lol Paul
  10. Awesome looking build mate. All your wheel selections are what I've been leaning towards just now. Keep up the good work Paul
  11. Hi Dave. Welcome aboard. I'm also from Ayrshire. Saltcoats boy born and bread but now over in Kilmarnock :-) Paul
  12. Few more parts arrived :-). Shiney weapon r power steering fluid tank and fuel return kit for the super charger . Also some new red samco pipe couplers for the intercooler pipes. The body shop has also painted the intercooler and pipes black and have nearly finished fitting the new LED lights to the rear bumper.
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