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Everything posted by P15UL T

  1. Most of the demolishing is nearly done. The internal walls at the back of the house have still to be removed and also all the floor boards but first the new roof will go on. Roof trusses arriving on Monday :-0 The coil packs were removed tonight and new spark plugs fitted :-)
  2. Well progress on the build has been slow of late. Mainly due to parts arriving but also because I'm mega busy with my house renovation ( well it's more like a new build !) But Bennet arrived this evening and we set to work to starting the supercharger :-) Also the sun has been shining all week so I finally got to see the paintwork on the zed outside and wow ! Now the camera picks up a lot more gold but it's simply stunning !
  3. Exactly ! Always find it freaky when I've been talking about something to a friend and next thing there's an advert on Facebook recommending me said product ! Technology is far too intrusive but we've been made to more or less depend on it nowadays
  4. Our lives nowadays are so closely tracked with various means that it would be very easy for people that could access that information to take advantage of certain things I know the "government" and police agency's control this information but it's not like there invincible. They say it's for our own protection but I imagine someone's pockets will be getting lined. Trust no one and ask questions lol
  5. That's pretty cool ! Cheers :-)
  6. Yup got one fitted to mine just now with carbon fibre extension pieces. Also had a full carbon one test fitted to my last Zed about 5 years ago but it was cracked so it got sent back and I never bothered replacing it. Fits quite well without too much shaving for a tight fit
  7. I would love to be able to do this !
  8. Sounds like a good buy. Crap tyres & rain & heavy right foot = twitchy. Lol. Welcome a board. There is no available cure for zeditus ! Paul
  9. Yup. My old nos tank from when I had the green beast :-)
  10. I'm pretty sure these are sold as the new owner contacted me about tyre sizes - not that I was much help lol. I may be selling mine if I can find the right set of wheels to replace them with :-)
  11. Congrats on the car mate. A very good example :-)
  12. Get your finger out jay. Then we just need irfan and cragus to get one too and we will have the old clan back together :-D
  13. I have these wheels too. There pretty light :-)
  14. Progress is slow at the moment as I'm waiting on parts from the states. Had some time to polish these parts up ready for fitting :-) ARC oil catch can, polished power steering and overflow tanks.
  15. There's not many that can have a zed and keep it standard :-) Paul
  16. Twas a good read on my flight to Norwich last week :-) Great car mate ! Paul
  17. P15UL T

    Integra DC5

    Great cars ! Wish I still had mine !!
  18. I've sent you an interesting Pm :-D Paul
  19. Sounds like the only happens over a set pressure so when your heatings on and the pressure rises to 3bar ish then you leak out some water then when it cools it drops to below your normal set pressure. Mine has a simalir problem but still works so I'm not bothering to fix it as it'll be ripped out in 6 weeks when I renovate the house. Good luck finding the problem Paul
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