well, after the warrenty company not willing to pay for the drivers electric seat runners, and exterior trim strip. my dealer asked me to take in my warrenty book and was happy to see taht it has had a full nissan service history and she would put it forward to her customer services.
she called back today to tell me that the warrenty company would be willing to go halfers on repairs ?????
errr what ?
yes sir they are will to pay for half of the new strip supplied painted and fitted and a new set of seat rails......how much is that going to be then ?
£476 !!!!!!
i asked her how much it would be just for the strip as i could live with the seat runners
no sir they are only willing to go half if you get both repairs done
W.T.F. !
now bearing in mind that she quoted me £254 for the strip before(£127 is half)
which mean the actual price of the seat runner is nearly £700,
come on , it sounds to me as though she is trying to pull a fast one and make it out that they are paying half when in fact i am paying the full price.
doe anyone know where i can get a hold of nissans part prices ?
Paul the still pi**ed off !