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Everything posted by P15UL T

  1. i was quoted £334 for parks nissan in Ayr Scotland
  2. if only there where more in the uk to choose from, i have been in contact with that guy who is selling on ebay but to be honest i am looking for something a bit newer with less milage. dont get me wrong if it dosnet sell i might think about getting it sprayed white and just sell off the alloys and seats to fund my project. only problem i dont know of any decent bodyshops i can trust with it. mmmmm.....might make a few phone call tomorrow around bodyshops. anyone now who much im looking at for a full respray ?? could always get it sprayed UY !.....now theres a thought
  3. i knew you would be first to reply well when i bought your car i jumped in head first and spent money on things that i didnt need ( sat nav, leather interior, 18" alloys etc...) i really want a white one cause i loved my white teg and i am going to change the wheels and seats anyways. i have just had the zed mot'ed, so once i give the zed its P3 service and get the door strip replaced it will be going up for sale - hey its a great car thats why im buying another one just like yourself. so.....do you know of any other importers or websites i could visit ???
  4. i am considering selling up and imorting. i have been keeping an eye on bonsai's auction but after reading the thread about them on here i am looking around for other companies. did any of you guys use anyone else ?? and how did you find them ? cheers for any info Paul
  5. i offered hime a grad cash at the begining and i would collect, but they guy was hoping for more, well looks like he got less the time his fees come off................good luck geoff - you got a bargain
  6. seen this last night.....so freekin funny, you should see the americans faces sometimes , they just dont know how to take him....class naked wrestling is so sick (yeah eat my ass hole !!!!!)
  7. he's got " ruff "in the description :kicking
  8. just looked at it and have forgot what it looks like already B.M.Wubblespew
  9. P15UL T

    New volk rims

    im stopping now before we get done for spamming ps i do love those wheels but just out of mu budget at £2K
  10. P15UL T

    New volk rims

    hold it hold it, £1502 just found a quid down the side of the couch
  11. P15UL T

    New volk rims

    i'll take them off his hands for £1500
  12. P15UL T

    New volk rims

    OMG, they are lush - if he gets them and dosnt like them he can send them my way !
  13. bloddy white van tossers ( thanks god mine is blue....) hope all ends well
  14. my my my - nice peice of work baptist you need big balls to do that, and even bigger ones to push it to the limit. all hail the mighty baptist
  15. love the car mate oh and dont you just love the way that sheena puts littles XXX's after her posts - so cute !
  16. they just think of a price then double it then half if thats how much it will be sir to get it fixed under warrenty
  17. i think he was put of when i said to him that i could collect them - so may be dodgy
  18. my nearerst one is PARKS in ayr but there is also one in paisley/linwood
  19. im from ayrshire down on the west coast thats a good idea youve got , just need to sweettalk the mods into it
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