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Everything posted by P15UL T

  1. im looking to find out wether or not a 2006 roadster share the same wheel bearing and hub and also the abs sensor as the 2003 coupe ? thanks in advance for your help
  2. P15UL T

    My new rims

    that rear lip is awesom !!
  3. lol i get loadsa customers trying to it on the cheap but at the end of the day you only get what you pay for......for example if you buy a cheap nasty kitchen which is usually harder to fit then i would charge you more money to fit it as it takes more time. also - cheap tools = false econemy(man i cant spell??) anyhooo goning to bed now...night all
  4. ok totally misread the first question i think the 0.5mm of a difference is just someone trying to make there job more interesting than it really is. im sure the unit will spread a little when you screw it to the units at either side of it - 600mm is the standard outer size of all cooker units
  5. hi there....kitchen fitter here all single ovens should fit into all kitchen manufacturers units...ithink the size you have will be the external dimensions and there should be a 10-15mm internal lip on both sides to allow you to screw the oven into the unit. hope this make sense paul
  6. OMG...you bought them so fit them...come on you know you want to
  7. would be nice to have that kinda cash to spend on my baby though
  8. i know this is a little off topic but you know the 20 signs that flash at school times - are they reccomended speed limits or are they enforcable ? a freind of a freind got done the other day doing 31mph ?
  9. hope this guy or girl is ok http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/nissan-350Z-2006- ... dZViewItem
  10. Is he Scottish as well? says the man who stole my z mats ......
  11. i was going to sugest that perhaps one of your shocks are away although i would imagine that it would then be worse on nornal roads maybe someone will come up with a suspension set for you good luck !
  12. just pay extra for a more upper class whoe !!!
  13. these are sweet rims do you know if they are split rims that can be taken apart into two peices ? do you have any pics with them on the car
  14. seen these earlier they are quite nice
  15. hi kerbside, do you stock suitable 350z engine oil, brake fluid, gearbox oil ? cheers Paul
  16. i am going to be putting the Z into my local mechanic to do its main service (36,000) mainly cause i know i can trust him to do a top job and also because the stealers want extra for changing brake fluid etc... anyway, i was looking for some advice on which products to buy as i said i would supply the stuff is there a reccomended engine oil that is better than the stuff the dealers put in ?? which brake fluid do i use ? which gearbox oil is best ? does anyone know the part number for the aircon filter ? apart from all this and the other stuff that would be covered by the P3 service - is there anything else that could be done at the same time ? a bit long winded i know but i know you guys will have all the answers cheers Paul
  17. i do some if i get in early so i work later so it is all done for me coming in
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