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Everything posted by P15UL T

  1. excellent find mate the orange is nice and would go well but there is going to be more orange on the road this year so have decide on some form of green, the missus has got to the point of saying "do what you like" i know it wont go with the interior so i am thinking of swapping with someone who has a black interior or getting i retrimmed. lambo Verda Ithica Flourescent green is really nice and i think that be a close choice. before i had a corsa which i put a lot of work into which comprised of a wide arch kits a camelon paint with 6 colours in it, so dont want to go the same route as that with flip paint, i will post some pics to rmmackfc when i get the chance as i need to go and do some surveys tonight. cheers guys for all the comments keep em coming
  2. hi and welcome claire white is my favorite colour, but i was too impatiant to wait to get one imported. you have some very nice cars and well done on winning with the mini hope you enjoy the Z when you get it keep us posted
  3. if swapping to black is an option it would have to be a straight swap, but i really like the orange
  4. probably 50-60 hours but then there is always surveys and paperwork to do at nights, always aim to gett he week end off though
  5. it is lambo green i would be looking at, but dont know how it would look with orange interior ?
  6. alright i have trying to keep this under wraps but i have came to a point where i need some advice. i am putting the car into get a full respray next week but i am having second thoughts on the colour. when i first got the Z i wanted to get it sprayed white but then changed my mind and thought that i am spending all this money then i wanted something different, so that took me on to Ford electric orange, but now that nissan have decided to do this colour i am stumped. another colour i would really like is lime green and i know that most probably wont agree but it is the only colour that nissan havnt realesed that would stand out at the shows that i would be taking the car to. the only thing stopping me is that i have the orange interior that i really like but the missus thinks it would clash with the green paint is there anyone that could photo shop a lime green car with the orange interior so i can see what it would be like ?? that would be a lot of help any other help or comments are welcome just dont be to harsh with me
  7. yup, its always handy to have a spare incase it all goes pear shaped
  8. just like to say a big thanks to Chris for the fast delivery on the K+N typhoon kit that i bought from him, looks minted - just need to find the time to fit it
  9. how ??? why ?? didnt think that would have even been possible
  10. welcome, what a lurvly colour enjoy the wait
  11. a few people have replaced them with carbon fibre ones or have spray painted them a different colour oh and sorry i dont know the part number im sure someone will be along shortly though
  12. yup but the missus seen it and i think i may need a bed for the night thinks i may have over stepped the mark with this one and yes my name is Paul and i have a transformer fettish
  13. cheers guys that was what i was looking for, i do however remember pics of some other colours
  14. as above: i am looking for the thread that showed you the new range of colours that the zed will be available in - any help ??? cheers in advance Paul
  15. you can flash if you like but it isnt me, its a guy i sold all my stuff to
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