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    Kilmarnock - Scotland

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  1. I think the DE and HR handles have this slight difference. I'm sure I've came across it before
  2. Are they OEM sensors you have installed. The cheaper aftermarket once are known to cause problems.
  3. Steering wheel, hand brake and gear knob are trimmed with black and red leather with red stitching only available on the 380rs. The interior seats and door cards are a little different too with dark gray and red stitching. Those are also available on the JDM nismo cars. The 380rs engine parts and not available to buy unless you have proof you own one and can show the damaged parts.
  4. Hi welcome along. Nice car. I know there was a black one came into the UK a few years ago but hasn't been out and about. Is this that one ? Or has this just came in ? Apart from that's there are another 4 in the UK Look forward to hearing what you think about it Ive a few videos on my YouTube channel with my ones. Few more videos will come out in the new year too https://youtube.com/@ImagineBuildRace
  5. Feel free to delete this but I was wondering if there is a japfest group chat. Just to see if anyone is staying over at hotels etc ? Thanks Paul
  6. £2500 for forum members Location Kilmarnock Scotland https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/276632695807?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=FvUlgTSwQ6a&sssrc=2051273&ssuid=FvUlgTSwQ6a&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  7. I'll take this of it's still available . Thanks
  8. Can I take this if it's still available Thanks Paul
  9. Drop me a message. I can make a carbon fibre set for you if that helps Paul
  10. Hi Andy. I've took a deposit on the esprit style one. Only have the baller C-West 1450mm carbon wing available. £2000 :0
  11. R35 GTR ones would suit. OEM quality and can usually pick up a used set for £200
  12. Absolutely stunning. Hoping I'll own an example like this. Maybe next year Paul
  13. Hi mate I'll take if you can post Pm me your PayPal. cheers Paul
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