I agree - if they want their money there is plenty of things they can do like clear up the streets etc.
I also think that if you don't have a job after looking for 6 months then you get minimum hand-out, if your found down the pub or having any luxuries like sky, beer, smoking then it keeps getting cut. If they complain they don't have enough to eat they get given rice like 3rd world countries.
As for the work thing - I can see from some peoples view why they don't want to go back to work if they end up with less money but IMO if they find a job that actually pays less than thier benifit then they do the job and they are given the rest to make up to the same total. This gets people out and working, with the chance of getting up the ladder.
So many things in this society thats soooo wrong i.e. why is every person in prison not doing something to pay for their accommodation like most other people. There are plenty of jobs they could do. If they don't want to work they done get out.