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Everything posted by Rob_Quads

  1. Yup it sounds like a really cool mod....until you have to live with it. I've done this to a previous car and while its rather cool and you get some quisicle looks when you open the door it can be a real pain in the air. When its posssing it down with shopping/bags its soo much easier just to open the door normally. IMO I would only do this mod to a proper show car, def not a daily driver otherwise it will drive you mad like mine did.
  2. Worth bartering with them as All my local dealers said they were booking in "tommorow" i.e. were empty so needed the work. As a result i was able to get the brake fluid change thrown in for free on a P2
  3. Mine from last year where I was best man
  4. Can you find out the power @ wheels as has been said its a pretty pointless number. Wheels will give you a much better idea of how it really is performing.
  5. Looking very good. Fair price too for what looks like a very good job. Interesting change on the straight silver colour - think it looks good
  6. looking good but I would not want to utter the words "Told you so". When I saw the pics of it being sprayed first time I said you should have removed the spioler. For a few seconds work you would have saves $$ and time
  7. When you mentioned it did the dealer mention it had been in an accident? If they were aware about it they are legally responsible to tell you about it, one of the big differences between trade and private sales, private unless your asked you don't have to disclose the car being in an accident. if your a trader must pass the information on. As others have mentioned there are reasons why panels might need a respray i.e. I had my bonnet resprayed but it was done due to it being vandalised (with photographic evidence & repair receipt for when I come to sell)
  8. Took a look at mine and it fits perfectly without any bowing or anything Do you know which make of facia they used a there are a few suppliers?
  9. I agree - if they want their money there is plenty of things they can do like clear up the streets etc. I also think that if you don't have a job after looking for 6 months then you get minimum hand-out, if your found down the pub or having any luxuries like sky, beer, smoking then it keeps getting cut. If they complain they don't have enough to eat they get given rice like 3rd world countries. As for the work thing - I can see from some peoples view why they don't want to go back to work if they end up with less money but IMO if they find a job that actually pays less than thier benifit then they do the job and they are given the rest to make up to the same total. This gets people out and working, with the chance of getting up the ladder. So many things in this society thats soooo wrong i.e. why is every person in prison not doing something to pay for their accommodation like most other people. There are plenty of jobs they could do. If they don't want to work they done get out.
  10. Be safe in the knowledge that manufacturers normall ship cars which under read the speed sometimes by up to 10%. The reason is its illegal for them to sell a car that under-reads.
  11. Ebay normally has a number of traders advertising. Think its normally around £35/£40 for 4 wheels inc tyres or £20 for 4 wheels without tyres
  12. That is correct. the steering wheel controls for handsfree will not work for any (AFAIK) aftermarket bluethooth/hands free module/head unit (it may be possible to wire but you need electronics knowledge) There had been mention the standard nissan bluetooth module does still sort of work with an aftermarket head unit but not sure how
  13. You won't get cheaper than that. Take a look at this thread for other info - viewtopic.php?f=17&t=16403
  14. As Ian says there are a few on my350z that have done it. Personally I don't really see the point if you have to put the key in. Now the developments on my350z about transponder start combined with start button is MUCH more interesting. Its the sort of thing I would love to have and would be marketable if done right.
  15. Grrr -just after buying a pop charger
  16. Yup if you have the likes of bodykits etc then its well worth the money. Depending on the what you have i.e. induction kit, wheels etc you may well find you are covered in that the cost of a replacement wheel from Nissan could well be more than the cost of a new aftermarket alloy.
  17. Ignore the pictures above - they are NOT of the 370Z Nurburgring edition. Have a look at the page and the description under the pics - they even say its the Nismo version ..."Pictured is the 2010 Nismo 370Z." So what it looks like. No-one knows at the mo
  18. Every other week I do Southampton -> Kent and a few times a year do Southampton -> Nottingham/Leeds and never had any problems. Always been really comfortable. It cruises with ease.
  19. What ever you do make sure that if you get them powercoated rather than sprayed they use the low-temp version. If you put these wheels in a powercoating oven i.e. 300/400 degrees C then it can affect the structure and they are liable to crash or in the worse case snap (US transport people investigated a number of failures over there and found it was due to people chroming/powercoating the 06+ forged wheels)
  20. The chances of you getting back the cost of refurbing selling them second hand is very slim. I would get a quite, advertsie them geniunly and then put how much you've been quoted for a refurb.
  21. Just wondered how complicated replacing the coolant is on the 350? Done it before on other cars and normally the key is the bleed the air out the bleed valves in a certain sequance. Is there something similar? Loath to spend an extra £30/£40 with Nissan for something I can do myself.
  22. What year is your car? Maybe the wrong year facia was used? I rememeber seeing somewhere else it looking like that.
  23. Check out the standard banks too for small loans. May well find that the %age is better dealing direct rather than through a finance agency
  24. My few thoughts a) Ignore power at the fly and look at power at the wheels - there are just too many variants to reliably work out power at the fly (without removing the engine) What was the ambient temp as the higher it is the lower it will be (and a 25 degree summer to a 5 degree winter will make quite a difference c) Cone filters may well 'appear' to loose power on a rolling road but these are NOT driving environments they are normall either sealed or enclosed rooms which have very poor circulation (putting a big fan in front of the car does not count as good circulation In Summary - i would not worry about it to be honest. if its just been serviced and it drives well thats the main thing
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