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Everything posted by Rob_Quads

  1. Take a look at Screwfix for pressure washers - do Nilfisk ones which are very good, metal pump blade rather than karchers plastic ones and very competitive price .. so competative that its 10 bar more than the Karcher that is at 50% off yet its only around £10er more stock price before any discount vouchers etc.
  2. IMO a red top is an overkill for the Z untill you have some serious mods. Personally I would just go town halfords. They have a decent range and offer a good warranty service too so that if you end up knackering it again they will often swap it no questions asked.
  3. I do think the whole colour choise is rather poor, but then they did it with the 350 which was a success. Interested to see the black one, see whether its a nice or not black
  4. PAC ROEM or ICT lead which means you can also retain your steering wheel controls (audio only not hands free) and doesn't need any splicing (well bar earth but both need that)
  5. I've changed my mind... it should be Muddys car (partly as it has my old sub boxes )
  6. Sorry but I think its just tough luck. The fact is you gave them a trim which you hoped would fit to which they said they would try to.. they were unable. Unfortunately a side effect is the cubby would have been 'butchered' in an attempt to fit it. IF you did not want them to cut the trim you should have said to them IF you don't think you can fit it don't touch the cubby at all. Without this statement how are they meant to know they can't damage it to try and get it to fit? Number 1 bit of advice if your using an Audio shop to install stuff - check with them what fitment/facia THEY recommend, you can always suggest something but if they prefer certain makes etc best to stick to them
  7. Hey Davy, Good to see Redline have moved on with the rest of us (that said still enjoyed the other size of modding with the old Saxos) ZMANALEX would be my call from the 350s around here. Rob
  8. Its actually really easy to fit off a cold water feed for the washing machine. Get a Y-splitter from Wickes and tap kit, take off washing machine pipe, fit splitter, replace washing machine pipe, add tape pipe to other feed, screw tap to wall, and screw feed pipe to tap. Off you go, honestly took me about as long to do that as it used to take me to get the tap adapter on the old tap! And it used to pop off all the time! I hope you have a non-return valve in there somewhere - its a legal requirement that all outside taps have a non-return valve in line - the kits that 'cut' into the pipe have one built into the tap that screws onto the tap.
  9. I found putting my mum on the insurance reduced it by around £100+ - looks like my renewal is going to be £288 this time round for 30yr & 7+ NCB in Hampshire. Even tho my mum hasn't driven it this year it saved me £98 I keep reminding my mum she still needs my permission to drive it
  10. Not always - it all comes down to a) how much extra the car costs, how much more diesel is & c) how many miles you are going to do. A friend who was looking to get a car reliased over 3 years they would have to average 14K per year to make the difference in petrol and initial cost back for the smaller increased mpg rate (on newer small cars petrols are becoming very close to the diesels in mpg)
  11. As mentioned you might want to look at getting the signal booster mentioned on my FAQ page. The ICT loom is designed for many head units which have pre-outs ranging from <1v to 4v. This means that if you have one outputting a lower voltage you might find you need to boost it to get the volume you want. As for the interferance I still think its installed wrong and they have not grounded it. I don't believe them when they say the cage is grounded as the cage is attached to the plastic facia which is attached to a plastic center console (I would remove the head unit and have a look yourself - it will be very clear and going on the problems you have had would question the installation) The lead they are talking about is an isolation lead which 'may' sort it but better to sort the cause of the problem if you can than work around it.
  12. As mentioned in MSN 99.9% sure its not been installed properly. Bet they have got the RCAs the wrong way round. Supprised they let it go like that to be honest. As for the interferance my guess is they have not added the extra ground wire you require and is relying on the poor earth of the aerial .
  13. Can I just check - are these trim pieces or replacement?
  14. Doesn't sound right. The sub has its own amp already. The BOSE system takes a standard 2 stereo input and the Component Amp splits off the sub signal and sends it off to the sub amp.
  15. Heard way too many horror stories about people getting screwed by Phones4U to trust them to buy it out. have you had actual experience of it?
  16. You can get it on various contracts for various lengths which affect the upfront cost - for more info check http://shop.o2.co.uk/update/paymonth.html
  17. Yeh you're right Dan - they hold all the cards because of the exclusivity deal. Si - i think thats the route i'll have to go down... i've just been on their website and it explained your option of paying off your remaining balance... but if i did that now it'd be £420. However, i could be wrong but i think after 9 months you can start reducing your tariff incrementally, so it might take me another 4 months before i can get it down to £15 a month - but then i can pay it all in one go... so still a 7 month wait...! Balls. Remember that once you buy out your contract you still have to buy the phone on a new contract. Looking at the numbers just getting a PAYG might still be cheaper i.e. Contract buy-out = £420, 32GB 3GS on 35pm = £274.23 = total outlay of £694 AND tied into new 18 month contract PAYG = 538.30 - Job done. For most people at the mo if you are on a low pm charge i.e. <£50 then PAYG works out best.
  18. Can you confirm if these have been painted and not powdercoated?
  19. For what your need take a look at http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=16403
  20. There are difference facias for Pre06 to 06 onwards as Nissan made a few changes to the center console
  21. looks good. How have you found the unit to use? I found it a bit confusing when playing with one at the weekend What did they have to do with the facia - will help other users too.
  22. I dont know of one but I am sure there will be one somewhere thus why I put 99/100. Probably a custom made by a real speaker specialist costing silly money
  23. Because 99/100 are crap and not worth the expense.
  24. Having read through the forums its apparent that the front discs on the 350z from Nissan are nothing specially and just stock Nissan Discs. After being quited almsot £300 for the discs alone I was wondering if there are any OEM manufacturers out there. I don't drive the car 'really' hard or track it so am not looking for high performance replacements. Yes I realise its always better to spend money on brakes but its also worth researching. If you can get similar standard to what Nissan ships for much cheaper then all the better. I am aware of the EBC standard replacements & Grooved replacements which come in just inder the £200 mark. Are these the cheapest starting point?
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