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Everything posted by Rob_Quads

  1. Was going under the M3 from Eastleigh to Chandlers Ford and on the other side of the junction was a lush looking blue Z, Nismo front, possibly full Nismo kit but could not really see. Also had dark gunmetal(ish) 19"? Wheels, again possibly Nismo [Forgot to say - I was in the GFs mini so might have looked a bit strange have such a good look when turning round the junction ]
  2. I would say start with the Adobe tutorials. Not done them myself but found them VERY good for other products and a great intro. Then you can see how your getting on a find a course more to what you need be it HTML etc. Knowing raw HTML is a big advantage
  3. Rob_Quads


    You would need 04 P1 05 P2 06 P1 07 P3 08 P1 09 P2......so as long as all those have been done then yes you should need a P2. Sparks are not included in any service. You need to ask to get them done (if they don't ask you first)
  4. Can you list the exact parts you have got?
  5. But then you get watermarks Not if you use filtered water to do the final wash down. Those flash things are great for it, unfortunately I have just run out and can't find the filters without spending $$$. Wish I got 50 of them when they were £1 each.
  6. Rob_Quads


    If you go for the real alcantara you should be fine with fading as its got a 10 year guarantee against it. The fake stuff under many names is often much easier to work with but has the big issue of fading. The blacks can fade massively. I've been looking at doing but not got round to it yet as it won't be cheap due to the £60/m cost of the fabric alone
  7. Yup you can just use the earth you already have wired in for the PAC unit. Just take that to the head unit loom and its job done. As you say the amps etc will all be grounded locally in the boot etc.
  8. Not used one of these myself but from the specs I have read they look like good value units.
  9. Check out the sticky thread viewtopic.php?f=27&t=16403
  10. OK If you don't need to keep your BOSE stuff at all then all you will need is one of the Micra looms as this has all the power /light feeds on it. You will hopefully already have a dedicated earth feed as there is no one by default. Then you just use the loom for all the power and then the rest like amp trigger will all come from the head unit. http://www.sextonsdirect.co.uk/adaptor_ ... 0-134.html
  11. Its not just the sales side. When i was looking for a service a couple of the Nissan garages just didn't bother ringing me back. They must have soo much business they can't fit me in...hmm I think not. Ended up going to the closest dealer and they have been a complete contrast, trying to get my custom, offering deals i.e. free brake fluid change etc. When i ring they ring back etc. My brother recently found similar when looking to buy an Audi. Really liked the look of the A3 but wanted one of the sport models (can't remember exactly) when in the showroom the guy said "Oh we don't hold any of them here for test drives, go to VW and test drive thier Golf xxx" to which my brother replied " So if I like the Golf why would I spend 4K on the Audi when i can't even test drive it" and walked out. BMW on the other hand were great with him from walking in the showroom door...result...he bought a 1 Series.
  12. No easy way of testing the PAC unit other than trying it in the car. Have you played around with the fading to make sure all the speakers are connected correctly. As for spending more money, I think there are plenty on here which have used the ICT loom (with the added benefit of steering wheel controls)
  13. Which PAC-ROEM module did you get? Was it the NIS2 specific Nissan one? Have you looked at looked at this thread - might help http://www.my350z.com/forum/audio-video ... nitor.html If you can't get it working it might be worth considering the ICT/Autoleads range which is a straight plug in loom (+ ground)
  14. I presume you have the pac roam. If so then you should not need a booster as it takes the speaker level outputs from the head unit and converts it down to the level for the bose amp. If you are finding it really quiet have you tried adjusting the speaker gains on the ROEM unit? In terms of wiring. I can't seem to download the wiring diagram so not sure what needs to connect to what. Also note that you will need to provide your own earth connection as the Nissan loom does not provide one as standard.
  15. The car is @*!# James If thier car is soo poor and it can still come second then the rest of them must be a pile of rubbish. While its not a ferarri of old its still a very good car. If Massa had not crashed the practice showed he was right up there too. Would have not been supprised if it would have been in the top 5.
  16. Maybe he was just driving from A-B and couldn't care what else was on the road (in terms of what types of cars). When I'm driving home its only a short journey thus all i am thinking about is getting home not trying to race someone if i get a chance. Yes its good to go and have a nice safe spirited drive but street racing is a no no IMO
  17. sounds like you may just have a dodgy router. I have a Thompson 585 and its been great - after upgrade to it from a netgear I was able to tweak my connection up from around 11Mbit to 13Mib....shame that Tiscali have now limited me to 8 - time to say bye bye
  18. I thought it was quite funny how he was saying it was really noisy - from all the reports I have heard they have toned it down from the 350 (which is a bad thing IMO - one of the apsect that still put a grin on my face driving a standard car). That said he said exactly the same about the 350 - way too noisy - give it to other drivers i.e. the DR lot and they love the noise. TopGear is not 95% entertainment 5% car info
  19. Pretty sure that wire is the power feed to the aerial boster that is located behind the plastic trim on the passenger side of the boot near the aerial
  20. Yup considered them and love them but when the windows alone would cost more than the whole budget it puts them out of the running
  21. I am in the process of looking to convert my conservatory to an extension. One of the main jobs is replacing the old wooden frame windows with a set of french doors with a panel either side. Looking quite large so 3600x200. Anyone got any recommendations? Really can't be bothered with the typical windows salesman c**p. Looking to DIY it and keep the costs right down but also want a decent product i.e. both doors locking rather than visible bolts on the slave door which lots of the internet suppliers seem to provide. Thoughts?
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