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Everything posted by davetstan

  1. You not changed your mind re leaving yet Dave. Go on fella. Don't go mate. The people of Wales are getting together a petition as we speak.
  2. Very smart Rich. Get the close ups on here so I can se how much they stick out. I might be getting my CC out yet again.
  3. Mine arrived today also. But I didn't bother to order an sd card either... DOH Ordered one off ebay for £6.40. Had to get my Mrs to read the instructions for me as I am too blind. Looks good though. Wales will be fun
  4. viewtopic.php?f=129&t=36011 Found it but most of the stuff for sale is sold out. PM the poster though, I'm sure he can supply what you need. Dave
  5. Jesse, I think there was a thread on here yesterday with stuff for sale..... I will have a look back to see if I can find it. 2 ticks fella.
  6. Good job there young man. I'll take one off you cheers
  7. Not if it's got sequins or glitter all over it Good point, just wear the heels then.
  8. I find the auto-glym super resin polish is good for surface scratches also. The one with the red square. Plus pretty cheap. I also find using your girlfriends best dress as a polishing cloth for a punishment, will make her get the message not to do it again. Wearing her best shoes whilst doing it is of course optional. Dave
  9. Matt, Put my name down for one of these (finances) allowing when they are ready. Cheers Pal. Dave
  10. Very nice indeed. Make sure you keep on top of that polished lip with the Rim Wax. Good choice
  11. Hello and welcome. Post some pics when you can... Dave
  12. Yes it is bloody annoying. Espeically when you have a passenger and they get out and don't put it back in. My stubby arms can't reach across..
  13. I think I can, but please tell me incase I miss anything out
  14. Good luck with the new motor and the sale Mingster. Just printed off one of your posts funnily enough re changing the spark plugs. Don't be a stranger.... Regards Dave
  15. Dat is like well smart innit!!!
  16. i'm reading this while watching one of my cats with its head in the large bucket having a drink out of it in my garden Well thats that theory out of the window!!!!!
  17. Easy, fill a couple of empty 2 litre plastic bottles, half full with water. Leave them close to the car somewhere. Cats don't do water so tend to stay clear. Doing that has stopped the local boys crapping in my garden. Try it, you will be surprised. Just remember to remove the labels from the bottles. They like coke I think
  18. I know mate, thanks to your A1 customer Service. Constantly keeping customers updated. My bedroom is currently full of 4 brake discs, brake pads, brake lines, Rimmage Wax. Not sure where the atest addition will fit. Roll on next week when it all gets fitted.
  19. I have a massive complaint about them. They are to far from Manchester. Mind you, that is probably a good thing or I would be in there every week speding money.
  20. Only if you press eject every time you stop your car, which I'm guessing you don't.
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