Just spent a few hours reading this entire thread and have a couple of questions to the meet veterans if you don't mind.
Do we just convoy along in one hell of a big line taking in the scenery, following the glow off Sarnie's Z and matching shirt ahead, or does it turn into a bit of a Cannonball type thing? ie racing each other...
What happens when cars get left behind at lights etc?? Being a poor man myself having to make do with an import my Satnav is great at finding the local Mcdonalds on Yokohama High Street but not so good at sleepy villages in North Wales.
Are the stop off points going to be big enough for 30+ Z's AND my g/f's make up bag?
Looking forward to meeting you all anyway, already had some top advice off some of you guys . Should be a hell of a good sight seeing all those Z's roar through Wales.
PS Is it worth letting the pub know who fancies the carvery and who will be eating off the normal menu in advance so they have enough Turkey and beef in...
just a thought!!!!!