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Everything posted by davetstan

  1. Thought I was an expert at detailing my car til I joined this site now I feel like a complete novice after reading some of the detailing posts on here. Is it too late to use one of these clay bar bad boys if I have already washed and waxed first with auto glym super resin polish, then done the same again this time with the wax for connoisseurs???? I was wondering what that glow was coming from the south of my batch pad yesterday, now I know....... It was Cheterfields car and knob.....(door).
  2. It will be Sunny chaps, always is in Wales...... How many are meeting in Chester the night before???? I'm tempted but insurance is due on the 29th
  3. davetstan

    My New Wheels

    Quality wheelage Ian, love the red lip.......
  4. Thanks for that Chesterfield, Pretty glad its organised and not a free for all. Like to drive at a sensible pace, not into the boy racer styleee!!!!! Is there anyone I need to give my moby number to in advance so they have it printed off?? Is the order going to be as per the list or is it just going to be a free for all I think colour order would look a bit crap, best to mix it up...
  5. Thanks lomoto, bring it on. Lets hope its a red hot day....
  6. Guys, Just spent a few hours reading this entire thread and have a couple of questions to the meet veterans if you don't mind. Do we just convoy along in one hell of a big line taking in the scenery, following the glow off Sarnie's Z and matching shirt ahead, or does it turn into a bit of a Cannonball type thing? ie racing each other... What happens when cars get left behind at lights etc?? Being a poor man myself having to make do with an import my Satnav is great at finding the local Mcdonalds on Yokohama High Street but not so good at sleepy villages in North Wales. Are the stop off points going to be big enough for 30+ Z's AND my g/f's make up bag? Looking forward to meeting you all anyway, already had some top advice off some of you guys . Should be a hell of a good sight seeing all those Z's roar through Wales. Dave PS Is it worth letting the pub know who fancies the carvery and who will be eating off the normal menu in advance so they have enough Turkey and beef in... just a thought!!!!!
  7. Bad news that Mini man. I'll wager that gear is a bitch to get off!!!! If its made to stick to tarmac in all weathers then I'm sure it will be ni on impossible to get off your wheels. If it doesn't write to your council and get them to pay for a full valet......or a new set of tyres....
  8. Thanks Chesterfield, Your a good man Charlie Brown
  9. Good news Jimbo, you will be like a dog with two dicks when you pick it up. I was when I got mine. Just spent five hours cleaning and polishing the bad boy today.. This weather is quality to drive around and pose in. They snap knicker elastic at 300 yards.
  10. Hi mods, Can you please add and guest to me on the list as Mrs "I see Z people" has decided to come along for the ride. Cheers Dave
  11. davetstan


    Nice set of rims going on ebay chaps if anyone fancies a new set before the meet on the 15th. Check out these bad boys...... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350z-Axis- ... dZViewItem
  12. Thats got hairdresser written all over it. Yuk.
  13. Sorry to hear that Danny mate. People who wreck another mans wheels need a good pummeling. I had a 200sx a few years ago and came out one morning to foot prints all over it from some jealous git. Dints on the roof, bonnet and boot.
  14. He should never have given his wife the keys
  15. I like it too. get some 275 or 295 bad boys on the back to fill out those arches..... Quality kittage,
  16. Sorry for the delay sl114, been busy this week so not been on. They are called Supreme, got them from some place down in Leicester called Wheelmania.co.uk Check out their website mate, they have some nice rims and quality pics on there. The Lambo's look amazing. Am thinking of selling my pad, girlfriend and french porn collection to buy one.
  17. Greetings from a fellow newby, quality choice of colour if I say so myself.
  18. Read the f365 forum quite often as it can be funny as fooook, check this out if your bored..... Dave Its worth it if only for the "is it tomorrow yet comment" http://forum.football365.com/index.php? ... 0&count=40
  19. Cheers Chester, might run it by her or bring a mate.... plenty of petrol heads in the office.
  20. Can someone please make me bold as I havn't a clue how to do it. Also from experience is it worth bringing her indoors or do they tend to get bored??? Mine has about as much interest in motors as I do about her errm wotsit, oh forgot:yawn:
  21. Looks good that Wes, you getting it??? I have one of the circular ones myself, dropped a bollark when putting it on though, put it right in the corner. Now every time my tax is due it takes me 2 hours to get it out with the fiddly little screws....
  22. Cheers for the comments guys, I'm sure I can get some more ideas on the drive next month off you Z guru's.
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