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Everything posted by davetstan

  1. Thats what I thought, just PM'd Jacko for Liam Z's number for a cheaper quote... Cheers guys,, you are all GURU's of the Z. Dave
  2. Thanks Jacko and Chester, Just seen your replies,,,, will check out that website and the Wigan chap now.
  3. Shame that Ian, Just rang another dealer and he says I also need Cast and camber doing not just allignment and thats the complicated time consuming bit. Not many places have the gear so looks like I will have to lay out the full wedge...
  4. Ok cheers mate, I will ring around a bit..... You there Sunday???? hope to get a look at those bad boys in the flesh..
  5. Weird that, I took it to a place in Mcr yesterday well renowned for great service, they tune up evo's and all sorts. They have a rolling road that can handle 1200 bhp. Anyway the boy there advised me they didn't have the gear to do it and the only Nissan garage that does is 20 odd miles away from me. Is yours a JDM Ian??
  6. Thanks Ian, so 145 is a bit much me thinks from the local Stealer How long did it take, they told me it will be 3 1/2 hours work, full laser camber and a cherry on top.
  7. Guys, Put some 20 inch wheels on my Z back in November and when cleaning it for 40 hours this weekend ready for the meet, I noticed some uneven wear on the backs already.. Only covered a couple of thousand miles so have been advised by a mate to get a 4 wheel allignment done. However, the wear seems to be just right of centre on the right and left of centre on the left ie both edges seem to be ok????? anyone had a similar prob??? Another mate says they might be over inflated???? Booked in a week tomorrow and its 145 dabs is this about right??? dave
  8. davetstan

    My 350Z

    I want it...... Looks treeeeeeeeeeeeeeemendous.....
  9. I got back to my runaround today to find people all around it as per usual... Peasants!!!!!!
  10. One of many quality lines Guy, series one when those kids kept harassing him and calling him clean shirt was quality.... A man of taste,,, remind me to get you a pint on Sunday, directors bitter??? I'm sure you have it comming out of your taps.
  11. Errr yes of course I did....... not really, I still have a video , can't get sky plus in my Apartment as got a shared dish..... Ya can't beat beetamax for quality anyway:teeth: the white lines at the bottom of the screen add to the atmos.
  12. Incase you weren't aware the new series of peep show starts on Friday night.... Previous three have been quality.... right up there with the likes of Alan Partridge, Game on and Fools and Horses. Get your videos set as it will be funny as. Dave 5 days to go til Wales
  13. Any rear wheel drive car with lots of power will end up facing the wrong way on a road if you push it too far at the wrong time Nixy. However, don't let this fool scare you from buying one. I'm sure you are intelligent enough to know when to drive carefully and when its ok to push it that bit more..... I have had an S2000 and a 200SX before the Z. All rear wheel and all with enough power to bite your head off if pushed too far. I'm a decent enough driver and can say I have had the odd hairy moment but nothing too dodgy. Basically you will be fine if your sensible.... I will guarantee you this though, once you have rear wheel, you will never go back to front wheel drive. It makes you a better driver and you have picked a great motor in the Z. All these quality chaps on here will no doubt agree with me. Whats the latest on yours??? is it still on the boat passing through the Panama???
  14. I use Turtle Wax extreme tyre gel - it leaves the tyres looking like new, not too wet look, which I prefer. It doesn't spray on to the wheels or wings, but does remain a bit sticky, and makes a mess of your sponge if you try to wipe the tyre walls at the next wash. Thanks Jim, going to get something this week, have tried turtle wax spray on in the past and also just sprayed on some of that das dandy stuff which makes them black...but it really does dirty the wheels quick when you start driving...
  15. Thanks Sarnie, Might get some this week.... going to give mine one last quality clean on Saturday and pray it remains dry....
  16. Thanks Lomoto, Yours do look pretty good. Remind me to pick your brains about a mark on one of my alloys on Sunday...Had a disaster on one with a small kerb mark, got it refurbed and it now looks bobbins....all the laquer is comming off and its stressing me out.. Just had the car finally looking how I wanted it to and then kerbed it at work whilst in a rush.
  17. Is that available in Halfords or do you need to get it from a specialist place? Must admit I've never heard of Meguairs before... always been an auto glym man myself, find it to be very good indeed. Might get some this week. Pics look quality Liam,,, thanks for burning my retina's.
  18. Think I will need to wear two pairs of Oakley's on Sunday with the glare off Sarnie's yellow beast. Whats the best tyre dressing you boys use, I always find if I dress the tyres the alloys get dirty very quickly and sometimes it splatters up the paint work as the wheels spin. Obviously I won't need much with my 20 inch bad boys and ultra low profile P zero's
  19. Good oh,,, mines going through petrol at the moment like you wouldn't believe... Too many short journeys. Will be good to blast past all those boyos in Wales and the groups of men roaming the valleys terrorising women and children with their close harmony singing!!!!
  20. Good man Jacko, Getting a bit giddy now!!!! never been involved in any car clubs or been to any meets before this one. Car has been cleaned to death this week. Neighbours think I'm a right arse.... How many miles is it roughly from meet to end??? Will we need to refuel at all through the day????
  21. Morg, Where did you get the info from that its going to be a warmer weekend???? I do hope your sources are correct....
  22. Gutted for you mate,,,, wish I could say something positive but words fail me.... All that damage coz of the wind...... hope you gt it sorted.
  23. think I'll give it a miss this time, will look like popeye if I'm not careful
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