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Everything posted by davetstan

  1. I recently got the scorpion and am really happy with it. However, I prefer the tail pipes on the k2 and even the OEM than th scorpion... Sounds nice though.....I rarely have my music on these days
  2. Go for it Ian,,,, you know it makes sense..... Need some Brembo brakes next.... Time to start some serious saving for them bad boys I think.
  3. Nice one Ian,,,, I would have said CS buy as its almost done never mind....Let us know your thoughts once its done mate Dave
  4. Errr,,,, I'll let you find that one out Nixy I am surprised how much better in handles also... CS told me it would but I am surprised it feels as good as it does...
  5. Nik, I know what you mean, utter rubbish. I feel for you if this is going to take that long...... Another long shot but try a post asking if anyone knows any japanese people who live over there, or has a relative who could pop into a dealer for you..... Try all avenues.... Nik,,, good luck!!!
  6. How nice does that look..... How much can I expect for a kidney???
  7. Thanks guys,,, always nice to get good comments..... Just waiting for the Sarnie now, and I can get a good nights sleep..... Yes that would be a good idea captain....
  8. Nik, Long shot but have you checked in the arm rest under the little shelf thing for any paper with codes on.... Mine was in there along with the alarm code.. Good luck mate. Dave
  9. Thanks Neil,,,,, I said the very same thing today to my dad re the tints, after we fitted them.. If I go near any kerbs now I will kill myself.
  10. Blimey Amy that is some collection....... Very nice indeed.....and the cars Someone was bound to say it, so I thought it might aswell of been me....
  11. Fantastic example!!!!! well done that man.... Great colour
  12. And me about ten times today Martin making sure I wasn't cocking up the fitting If only dealing with other companies was this easy.... Thanks for the A1 service as per CS....top man
  13. Thanks guys,,,, they are a little darker than I imagined, but I think they give the car that mean an moody look
  14. Beavis, Would you mind adding this to the cs trader section please.... Thanks Dave
  15. Thanks Dave,,,,, I am very pleased with them...
  16. Sorry for the delay chaps, check out thread Gun Metal Rota GTR's fitted at last :-) for the long awaited pics....
  17. Guys,,, Finally had the time to fit my new wheels today, which I purchased from CS at Cougar Store... Here are a few pics to see what you think on the GM. I have a pic down the side to show offset but I can't seem to load more than 3....
  18. No he already has plenty of those biccy..... I agree with the 50 post rule. From someone who has recently sold some tyres on here, I must confess I didn't read the for sale rules first....My apologies..... At the end of the day,, this forum is brilliantly run by the mods and they should have final say on any rules....I think a vet of a for sale post first is a cracking idea... Dave
  19. Putting these bad boys on the car today at last Just hoping some rimage wax arrives this morning from the Cougar..... if not its a trip to the Frauds of Hal I fear.
  20. Gavlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  21. Gorgeous,,,,, I am green with envy.... Dave
  22. Welcome fella, That is going to be one good Birthday..... Enjoy.... the wait must be killing you. I remember when I got mine,,,,, it was a sunny day, picked it up around 5. By the time I got to bed,,, I was up every five mins looking out the window at it.... Happy days. PS Post the pics when its out of the shop
  23. Welcome,,, let the dog see the rabbit! pics to you and me!!
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