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Everything posted by stuey

  1. mines a guiness................
  2. ahem.................. ewloe actully..............
  3. no worries......................
  4. yo dudes................................
  5. i think your skirt and boob tube will give it away...............
  6. stuey

    Polished Plenum

    looks nice that...............
  7. what i was meant to say was erm, nixy you are far to young to ever get one, I dont think you will ever age, you are erm beyond erm beauty ... grovel ... grovel ... grovel dont worry jay................ we can drive wiv broken legs................... mines a tiptronic........!!
  8. skiers......................... pr!ck$ on sticks................ snowboarders................... gays on trays.............
  9. well no prizes for guessin who the chatterboxes are.......!!
  10. nixy when you get yours next year can I have it? you cant have it jay.................. i think she put it away somewhere safe when she got it 10 yrs ago........and cant find it now...........
  11. stuey


    thats wot i pay................ im 40yrs............. (but look 30) 17 yrs no claims
  12. did you park that porsche for them nixy.........!!
  13. wouldnt have guessed from your name.................
  14. Been to TKMax no Paul Smith's in Nottingham.. do they make deckchairs to tim........??
  15. and 3 cigarette lighters.....!! (tim).....??
  16. mike for president.....................
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