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Everything posted by stuey

  1. us locals will meet at st davids park as usual.............. do we need to start a new thread............?????
  2. i thought a convertible was a car .... with a tent on it.....................!!!
  3. well its jays ex so im sure hes got some naked ones of her..........
  4. Haha got to admit we were quite a team.... You always need a good wingman!!! Just a pity for you I'm Maverick an your just borin old Goose lol Does that mean you get down on one knee and start singing to random girls in bars? You never close your eyes anymore when I kiss your liiiiiiippppsssssss! Sounds like my Saturday night actually..... I'll serenade a lamp post if it'll listen! well wiv my success rate it may as well be a lamp post..............
  5. a man sees a job vacancy for a gynaecologists assistant in the inverness job center he is thrilled to learn that the duties are to prepare the ladies as follows 1.... remove underware 2.... wash and shave their nether regions 3....rub oil on the shaved areas 4.... and salary is £55.000 per year he is then told to go to plymouth "is that where the job is " he asks........... "no" was the reply........... "thats where the back of the queue is......." !!!!
  6. Haha got to admit we were quite a team.... You always need a good wingman!!! Just a pity for you I'm Maverick an your just borin old Goose lol and shame for maverick coz.............. im the iceman.................. move over sonny..................
  7. i didnt think he was that camp................ maybe you need to be camp to recognise campness............. Where did this campness come from.. Sorry to dissapoint Stuey, Im straight so I wont be handing my girls number to you or my ex Definatly send you some pics he finds any from school mate. You gonna have a go training next time you come down? il train the next time im down........... with the max power babe......... So Stuey can i now tell Ally that she will be safe on the next Wales run? ally is lovley........... and far from safe................. and i have a spare seat so far..............
  8. Why you jealous? i wouldnt fancy you stew....................... even tho you do wear a skirt................
  9. i think you need to re-size the askin price too..............
  10. notice in jays last post he sed......."ALOT YOUNGER" people think im early 30s.. ......... beat that nixy..........
  11. i didnt think he was that camp................ maybe you need to be camp to recognise campness............. Where did this campness come from.. Sorry to dissapoint Stuey, Im straight so I wont be handing my girls number to you or my ex Definatly send you some pics he finds any from school mate. You gonna have a go training next time you come down? il train the next time im down........... with the max power babe.........
  12. those chicks are VERY hot imagine how many you could pulll wiv our zeds...........
  13. i didnt think he was that camp................ maybe you need to be camp to recognise campness.............
  14. its not that hard.................. dippy.............!!!
  15. i think u might only be gay wen your girlfriend isnt there........... coz after seeing the pic of her i wud deffo not be gay.......!!! but if it turns out you are jay............ give her me number il sort her out.......!!! will be interested to see if dan duz find anything............. keep me posted......
  16. it is there......... and it duz work........... unless there is a problem you will find the light will come on again after 10 mins driving if parts need replacing.......
  17. one girl there is a max power babe............. and she chatted to me to.............and i got a kiss...........
  18. well wot can i say............. i met these pair the other night for a brew and a chat as im in the aera......... these guys are as genuine and straight as they come....... after a tough few days ive had they really cheered me up.......... i went to watch some training with them and believe me guys and girls this is the real deal.......... these lads are professional fighters......... and they are huge aswell......... i think that the girls there could have beaten me up...........!! something also quite suprising was i asked them wot school they went to and it was the school at which my father was deputy head for 25 years........... and it turned out that they knew my dad.......!!!!!!!! what a small world........ i would like to say to jay and dan in front of the whole site that you both are the salt of the earth and helped me tremendously in my hour of need..... THANKS GUYS...........
  19. thanks fellas............. i love her soooooo much..............
  20. isnt that by plymouth Stanford le Hope mate. Down the A13. well if its all ok wiv jay................... bobs ur uncle............
  21. Well probably the hours I work and they dont let me out during daylight hours?- is yours a black one? ~You must have a cloaking device - trust me I would spot a Zed a mile off I am THAT SAD! I have seen one this morning and again tonight on the way home M56 - was that you matey? Saw a blue one on M56 again - probably our other North Wales regular? yup mine is black............... looks like this
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