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Everything posted by stuey

  1. i think nissan trim in general is a bit viberatey...clicky...creeky.. and noisey........
  2. looks like you got a seized piston in youe caliper there pal......!!
  3. by the cubby holes behind the seat................i think
  4. well just ring them and say congratulations on your christening................... and hope that they have a nice time.......!! or.... there was a flood..... an earth quake...... your car ran out of gas.... your tux didnt come back from the cleaners......... anyone guess which movie thats from..??
  5. is that on a saturday Where in Chester? I say we take over St D's car park for a 350z wash meet Im sure they wouldnt mind. im sure the girls will wash the cars for ya............ in their bikinis.............!!
  6. lock it off mods........................ sorted it...............
  7. on msn wen your chatting to people you can normally see the picture of who your chatting to............ but now i cant......it dissapeared 3 days ago............. anyone shed any light on this
  8. i knew that was comming..............
  9. you guys commin up the M6 should come off at the M54 then up the A41.............. best way by far................
  10. the speed awareness courses are for a few miles an hour over the limit............. and you can only do 1 course within 3 yrs...........
  11. he speaks the truth ooooooohhhhh mmmmmmmyyyyyyyy god.................. il send an ambulance round for ya sarnie..........
  12. are you gonna pull off at st davids as last year so we can tag on.................... as i think there will be quite a few cars stayin there........... Yeah we could do, but a bit concerned about a large number of vehicles pulling over again. It will be ok if we keep it rolling like last time. well was no problem last year................ i can then take the lead and guide us all round if you want me to.......
  13. are you gonna pull off at st davids as last year so we can tag on.................... as i think there will be quite a few cars stayin there...........
  14. if anyone of the trevelling guests needs any help please feel free to contact me.............. i will be on hand to help look after you lot......... especially the ones staying at st davids park............
  15. tricky one that.... apart from ebay i would ask your missus to hold it................
  16. its for different fitments......................... dippy..................
  17. i got a pro performance one......................... i good washer... i use it for the patio and driveway............. dont think i would use it on the zed..............
  18. stuey

    Cool dance

    i think hes made of rubber..................
  19. stuey

    Binned it

    glad you ok dude.......... hope you can replace her...............
  20. many happy returns of the day dan........................
  21. stuey

    tyre pressures

    +1 wots that then.................
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