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Everything posted by myuran

  1. Do you need a mortgage mate? I'll sort you right out Are you a Mortgage Advisor? Mortgage broker mate, deal with all lenders What do you charge? Normally £250 (only payable on successful completion, if it doesn't happen you don't pay a bean) but its all dependent on the deal - if you're doing volume and/or a larger loan (when we get paid a decent whack from the lender) then we can talk about it. This really covers our administration side of things though because we do all the chasing of lenders etc. Right thats enough now because its starting to sound like I'm doing the hard sell! We may need a chat soon Whenever you're ready fella I like this one jacko He He Mortgage advising looks the way to go ?? It is mate $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ leeeeetttttttt's dooooo the tiiiimmmmmeeee waaaaarrrpppprp daaaaaaannnnnccccceeeee This is fun you are all winkers! childish ******* at that, grow up you lot! Me childish!? NEVER! Postwhore!? Maybe when do you get your car? I thought il join in with the fun
  2. lol ive been quoted a shade over 2k for my insurance. Sucks being 23
  3. Thats a lovely car liam, but im looking to buy a 350z in january as thats when il turn 24 and have more funds available. Im just doing some research at the moment, and kinda in my dream phase of owning a 350z soon. Krumble if you dont mind me asking, how much did you end up paying totaly, and how old is your 350z?
  4. Would it be feasible to buy it and import it from the US? How much money would we be talkin about to do such a thing?
  5. Hi, im new to the boards as well and im also looking to buy a 350z. I'm interested in using bonsai cars myself too, so if anyone could help us with more information il be very grateful! MY budget is only around 17k, although i might be able to squeeze out another 1k! Thanks in advance
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