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Everything posted by Matt-Z-

  1. I keep seeing an azure on the way home each weekend heading north on the M42. probably the same one... and yes you're right... she's a hottie!
  2. Just turned off Dale Street heading into Leamington and found myself behind a silver 04. Turned a corner to stop for a cheeky takeaway, looked in my mirror and there was an UY. Common as muck round these posh parts of town
  3. Sorry guys. Didn't get out of work untill stupid o-clock. Was there a good turn out despite the storms? Hopefuly I'll catch up with you all next time
  4. I've just moved down to Z central (Warwick) myself. Been here a month but have no idea where all the pubs are. If I get out of work in time I'll see if I can find you all
  5. And here it is Would stop and chat about how good it is.... but I have to get back to driving simply perfect Big thanks to Holdcroft in Newcastle-under-lyme. Blokes there really know what they are doing and well recommended. Keith is da man
  6. Might you be the GT4 I saw last week getting a service at Holdcroft? Looked v.nice Picking mine up from there this week... tomorrow in fact
  7. Thanks for the welcomes guys I'll be reporting back with a few pics when I manage to pull myself away from the drivers seat. Today I ordered the necessary stubbie and front n rear satin Z badges along with z dust caps and clear reflectors for the front. Had boring company cars for last 5 years so this will be a welcome relief from the mundane.
  8. It's a bit sad really... A 34 year old bloke more excited about his new car than he was at Christmas when he was 7! 2 DAYS TO GO!!!! WOOHOO hi by the way
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