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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Option 4) Sell them to me That reminds me, need to phone my stealer to claim some goodies which might include some splash guards.
  2. Ditto. Should have told me at JTS, could have ripped it off there and then
  3. Should by a proper Porsche and then they wouldnt
  4. I posted loads of other cars Didnt think of asking you at the time Louis, I'll take some pics and you can photochop them for me
  5. Thats why I have one of these http://www.buffalotech.com/products/network-storage/terastation/terastation-home-server/ 1TB of storage has lasted me a good while so far
  6. Thats what the forum is for. Dont stay a n00b long if you ask lots of qustions (so long as you do a search first)
  7. Get your own camera, you wont regret it. What you will get is lens lust and want every nice lens going! Telephoto would be the first on the list for any motorsport enthusiast. And get reading the eBooks I gave ya. A lot are Canon specific, but the things about apature values and shutter speeds apply to all cameras. Very important to get shutter speeds right with cars so you dont stop the action and blur the wheels and background to give the impression of movement.
  8. Yay it worked Need to get yourself a zoom lens my man, get you up close and personal with the track action. Next show we'll find ourselves some poncy photographers to steal some lenses off. White ones for the Canon are the ones to go for Fancy whacking the originals on a CD/DVD for me in return for the one I gave you?
  9. Awesome mate Just arranging to buy a house, so will have get some of mine and do the same to decorate the place
  10. Have to agree with what the others have said. Orange looks pap. No two ways about it. Even in the sun it looked carp to me. I think we saw the blue and I thought it was a black. Amanda pointed out to me that it was indeed blue and then I noticed it had the bonnet hump of the 07, so must have been. So there you go, it takes a womans sense of colour to realise its blue!
  11. Yes, thanks Steve. I thouroughly enjoyed the parade, just wish we had got a few more laps in, and maybe have had the whole track to break the record Its a shame to hear that there was such an inconsiderate driver, as in the middle of the 350 group I was surrounded by very concious drivers who were all well behaved. I do think the show side of it let it down a bit, with the finals on a bit late for most to watch. I guess if they were to do it again, they'd have to get the finals a bit earlier. Overall a very good day though. Once again, thank you for all the effort it must take to pull off such a parade
  12. Thats good going. More economica that my mates Evi VIII which did <10MPG at his last track day! And Louis how did you manage 40.2? Was that the average? I've got to work at about 35MPG before, because of traffic I was doing 60 in 6th all the way. Thats an achievement in itself. Now when ppl as me what fuel consumption is like, I will quote you can get 40MPG
  13. Man, theres too much sexy stuff to buy for these damn cars, its costing me a fortune just to goto all the car shows! Time to get into business as a photographer at these events to pay for some mods
  14. This was on the penultimate lap when I realised my fuel gauge was on ZERO!! Dropped off the revs to let Tim pass and pulled in next bend... LOL - wondered why you went so slow. Care to give us a rough MPG reading for the laps?
  15. Nah, that was track time, not the parade lap. I was driving at the time remember Do have some vid footage of the parade lap and drifting waiting to be edited, but its not as good as I would have liked. Remember to PM the ones you want so I can put up the originals and not the inferior resized ones that are on there atm.
  16. Damn Chris, you beat me to it with the nice drifting shots...... we must have been stood near each other! Think I was above you lot in the bottom row of the grand stand. Made it pretty hard to shoot at that distance with camera shake, but just about managed it with Image Stabilisation on Zed doing it properly...
  17. Ok then people, I have made a small gallery of piccies on my host ISP. What I suggest you do it PM me the filenames you want and I'll upload the proper images (weigh in at ~3MB each) and let you know the location so you can grab them. http://www.sip04cei.plus.com/JTS_2007/ A preview of the one and only Val...
  18. Have to agree with Nick in some sense that the show was a bit of a letdown. Parade lap was mucho fun though! Didnt get much of a crowd. I think if we took the number of spectators at JapFest a few weeks before and saw them at JTS it would have been so much better. Am I right in thinking JTS is a new show?
  19. I have just reaslise that I have a bit of hosting from my ISP, not much, but enough to host the originals of just chaps from the track sessions. I will get smaller versions up on Photobucket for everyone to see and then if you PM me with the files you want, I will upload the originals and give you the web address to grab them from
  20. Did they not do the parade lap? I have quite a lot of pics, some of Val and Lomoto for sure. Will get them resized and uploaded. If anyone wants the properones, I'll email them or set up a temp FTP server where you can grab em from, but be nice as my connection is on 1MB/s!
  21. I think i won that comp I lost that one then, only got about 150. But you know what they say, quality over quantity Good to meet the gang. Even the missus had fun Parade laps were excellent, shame we didnt get any more. Thought the speed was well controlled and think I only hit a max of 80 Photos and vids to follow.
  22. Good job chap. Should pay for the next mod!
  23. Isnt most of the infield going to be the Z Club space as there are more than 180 Z cars going to be there! Guess whoever has the banner has to get there first so we can see where to go
  24. But you were getting paid 2x as much as me. Even after the 30%+ payrise I am meant to be getting, you'll still be getting more than 2x the pay for around the same amount of work
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