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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. LOL, have M$ ever released a game for the PS2?
  2. I'm on level 26, takes an age to get to the next level now though. Got a Sumo Power mock up Zed with 4WD conversion @ U999 which is a beast. Also have some nice Porches and an Aston DB9. All the rest I've won rather than buy. Had a few other cars and binned them to get some money back. Need to tackle the endurance races, but they take like an hr each! Not got a Gold XBL account so cant play online and moving shortly so unlikely to get one in the near future til I get sorted in my new place.
  3. I might have some bits if theres any left over!
  4. Thats always the gripe I have with OEM pads - they shower your rims with dust I beleive there is something in OEM pads that stop them squealing so much but means they produce a lot more dust as a consequence.
  5. Get ya cash out if you want to do it as good as Vals, he's spent a pretty penny on it from what I gather. Think I got him into a bit of trouble asking how much his boot retrim cost and his missus overheard
  6. I heard an urban myth once that its always the shiney ones that get it as the birds see their reflection and litterally sh*t themselves
  7. Dont ask twice, just get it done
  8. The Leon boys (SeatCupra.net) seemed to rate them very highly when I had my Leon FR. Never got round to fitting one though.
  9. I was trying to build up to that slowly! Well, no point beating about the bush is there
  10. Make your mind up man I love the GT3 RS. Went to Bedford in a mates Evo VIII and down the straight they were coming past us as if we were walking! I think we got to about 130MPH, and they would just steam past. Absolutely amazing
  11. Beware of the locals, they can bite, we ask you not to provoke them J/K of course, we're all lovely
  12. Congrats chap, and welcome Are you on commision for these guys or what? I dont beleive your new business is paying for the lambo, its all these new guys you're whoring
  13. Nice Can you tell the difference in drive with the unsprung weight loss?
  14. And i've put 4 new tyres on it Does it need 4 new tyres? Then the wet weather is perfect for drift practice Congrats btw
  15. As the others have said, if its 4 lights then its just the AV cable, but 3 lights is known as Ring of Death! If its under warrenty take it back and get it replaced. I've heard of loads of people taking them back to PC World, Currys etc and get a straight replacement. Need to look into geting my 360 online and playing with everyone, but no gold membership atm
  16. Chin spoiler is technically the bit you get with the US Nismo kit, goes around the whole bottom of the bumper and sticks out as a splitter would. Right, must refrain from buying more carbon
  17. Is that the one you bought off Beavis? If so its not really a chin spoiler is it, more like a carbon cover for lower lip? Unless you do have a chin spoiler as well? Its the lip cover, and its mine as well
  18. Wow, theres some nice looking stuff on there. If only I wasnt buying a house......
  19. I looked into gettting those as they are meant to be pretty good, albeit with the warning of the old houses and poor wiring - I've heard horror stories of them not working. All good in newer houses though. However, I spent £30 on some CAT5 cable and wired it all up properly as it was a lot cheaper PS Dont do Xbox over wifi, it will suck.
  20. Corporate hostility - I hope you mean hospitality otherwise that could be interesting I've always wanted to go, would def go if I didnt have to pay! Especially if I was getting VIP treatment.
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