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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. I like the way this is going. I would like to add that if a burglar is to break into your house, you have the right to use any force to remove them from your property inc shooting them and beating them.
  2. I'll ask the missus if we're free that weekend. I dont know that far in advance being male I could prob do Winchester also as its easy to get to from Basingstoke.
  3. I got everything from ebay. You could technically get the bits from Halfrauds except for the PAC-ROEM, I've only ever seen that in the US. PAC-ROEM: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/PAC-ROEM ... enameZWD2V Fascia adapter (Autoleads FP2203): http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fascia-plate-Faci ... dZViewItem Looking at the fascia adapter, I'm not sure it does convert to a double din size slot. Best wait and see if someone with a double din HU can comment on how they fit and if you need it or not. Sorry for the doubt, I dont have the instructions for mine any more and I was quite sure that you did need it, but now I am unsure. On the case of the aerial adapter, does the HU you want to fit have a hole in the back about an inch deep or a stub/stud? These are two types of aerial I know of, the BOSE being the long hole kind. The second is a stubby "button" type. Sorry for the flakey descriptions! If your HU has a hole then it will work out of the box, if it has a stub then you need a converter.
  4. I think you still need the double din (fascia) adapter as it puts in place something for a double or single din piece to fit to. When you remove the stock HU the hole will not just accept a double din unit as is from what I remember, you need something to fix it to. I think the Micra harness adapter should be fine to use to splice onto the PAC-ROEM, but not 100% as I used my Leon/Pioneer one. Any harness that fits to your HU will work as you will solder the wires from the PAC-ROEM direct to it. As it stands the OEM wiring layout is this: HU > stock wiring > amp > speakers The new layout will be this: HU > harness adapter > PAC-ROEM > stock wiring > amp > speakers
  5. so could i buy the Pac-Roem adaptor from over here as well rather than the states? Not that I know of. They do come from the US pretty quick, mine was less than a week. I think you can get the fascial adapter in Halfrauds as mine is an Autoleads unit which Halfrauds should be able to get in for you.
  6. Reflectors recieved today after a lovely drive back from Dorset in the p*ssin rain! Look good, now just need to pull apart the car and get them fitted. Also have the carbon lip from Sinbad to fit. Should look pretty
  7. Gonna get mine, plus the one off Autoblog and have them mounted with my parade lap plaque that arrived today
  8. Zedrush: The harness adapter isnt absolutely essential, but you do need to splice the HU side of the PAC-ROEM into the HU wiring. With my HU, I had the wiring harness from my Leon, so I used that to splice onto the PAC-ROEM wires. You could do it straight to the HU OEM wiring but thats not very easily reversable or neat. Not sure if you'll need an aerial adapter, depends on which kind your HU has. I didnt need one for my Pioneer. List of bits I used: 1. PAC-ROEM 2. Harness adapter to splice PAC-ROEM to and connet to HU. 3. Facial adapter (very similar to what Ian has posted) Hope that helps.
  9. Hopefully he'll be buying them in so much bulk we can get em even cheaper
  10. Chris`I

    5th gear

    Will be Sky+'d when I move in to my new house. Comprimise with the missus means I get Sky+ without her realising as she thinks she's got her way
  11. My silicon ones from BigPhil are awesome in this weather. Missus wants some now too
  12. If it was more stealth I think it would look cool. I think a combo I'd like to see is a carbon cover + black look LEDs that light up amber
  13. Sorry chaps, been away for the weekend. Payment will be sent asap when Paypal decide to let me make it
  14. I'm off away for the weekend so no time to get any of mine, but you can search either here or on my350z and you will find loads of piccies. Just to get an idea:
  15. +1 - I have the same and it fits a lilliput 7" touchscreen very nicely. I need the box bit at the back when I come to sell mine as its missing, but I'll prob just buy an 04 for it then.
  16. Shotgun! Any idea what these look like on a GM? EDIT: You have PM
  17. I want to but its the missus Graduation tomorrow and then going away with her and her mates for the weekend with no TV Will be interesting in the wet. Want to see what Stoner can do in p*ssing rain!
  18. Yes i do, its the daily chat thread
  19. Thats interesting to know if I ever have that problem. Forum to the rescue again
  20. GL chap. shame to see such nice motors go to trade. My Leon was stolen from me by the stealer, but it lead to my Zed, so I didnt mind
  21. Whats the issue with it? I am sure others, like I, would like to know
  22. Get you guys your own whoring section soon..... wait a minute, doesnt Louis already have one?
  23. Thats a weird one! I beleive there are holes in the boot that lead directly to the outside and I seem to remember being told they are for when the airbags go off to let out the air pressure from getting to high. However, the holes I have seen are behind the rear speakers and not down in the well where the spare wheel is. I dont remember any holes being down there. I'm sure someone more expereinced will chip in but you are right in being a bit weary of it. I would get the dealer to point out where they think the water has come in. The aforementioned holes would be damn hard to get water through unless they had the car up on the ramps to clean underneath!
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