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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. You'll find lots of info about all the questions you asked with a little help from Search
  2. That sucks mate! Should offer them a ride and see if they'll revoke it
  3. You need a mate who is a police dog handler. The german sheppards they have a very good at scaring people away as they can be made to bark on command. Seen them get rid of Jehovah’s Witnesses first hand
  4. Hmm, I always wanted an Aston, better make sure that I do my daily commute by train if I ever get one! A tank would last me about 3 days
  5. Now now ladies, put down the handbags and kiss and make um :teeth:
  6. Chris`I

    Zed Plates

    er, isn't that the case anyway? Nah, he only has a million atm, not quite there yet. Apparently that isnt enough
  7. Caught a quick flash (ohhh errr ) as we shot past each other at about 4:50pm. Think I managed to get a wave in before you passed me in the other direction. :bye:
  8. :bye: my twin. GM with a simlar plate (OE53 XXX), I think you were only one letter out from mine in fact. Has the burnt interior like mine too. Pulled up right behind me at about 5.20pm on the Sunlife rounderbout. Proper twin! Just need a CF lip to match.
  9. Chris`I

    Zed Plates

    Awesome BE57 ZED (remember to select Nissan > 350z) Now that may have to be done if I had a grand to spend! Now do I give up the 40" TV I was planning for my new house?
  10. Count me in But let me save £4k for the replacement clutch i'll need first Shotgun first passenger ride
  11. Chris`I

    Zed Plates

    I'm tempted to get MY53 ZED, but as Nixy said, dont like it if its car specific. Wont make any extra money on the plate when you come to sell really. But hey, if I have the money knocking around one day, I might just get it.
  12. Always buy the best you can afford, thats what I say. Anything better than OEM is a step in the right direction
  13. Chris`I

    MY 350

    I got one for the outside too. I want to put it at the top of my rear window, but cant really work out how to reach it. Val managed it so it must be possible! /me hides from Val who will kill him for not putting sticker on yet
  14. Cool. Some very fine metal on view there. I need to talk my lady into letting me go, it just has to be done now I have a proper car Have to wait until we settle into our new house though, which means next year.
  15. I hear its best to get done on a Sunday, they dont callibrate them on a Sunday apparently I got done a sunday There goes that myth then
  16. Boot looks very tidy Rest of it is a bit cack IMO. Done well, but just not to my taste.
  17. Not cheap, but not the most expensive either. As this is my daily driver (60 miles a day ) I need it to be bearable. Its not that its unbearable at the moment but this will make it much nicer. Thinking of adding some closed cell foam on top as thats meant to stop the airbourne noise. Next up then will be Second Skin Spectrum which is a liquid dampner to add to those places I cant do with matt. This will prob go where I have the matt plus the footwell/under the seat. Then she should be nice n quiet Will probably cost £150 all in which is far cheaper than other mods for the car.
  18. Have we ever worked out why if the JDM has rolldown windows, folding mirrors (on locking) and fold down mirrors (on reverse) we cant add the relevant wiring to do it to UK spec cars? They seem the only things that I would take from a JDM over a UK car.
  19. +2 - I notice this a lot on my daily commute on the M4. Some days I hardly notice it being loud, but others, esp when wet its really loud. This is not wind noise though, its cabin noise, mainly from the road. I'm thinking of sound deadening it all behind the seats, boot etc but a bit daunted by taking it all apart. Fitting a tonneau and getting rid of the Bridgestones will help. Have a tonneau on there already and have some Pirrelli Pzero Rosso on there from the former owner. Tonneau did help a bit. Just bought some of this stuff, which I hope will help a bit more - Second Skin Damplifier Bulk Kit. Had good feedback for it. Gonna do behind the rear cubby compartments (sub and glovebox out), the boot and then see what I have left.
  20. I hear its best to get done on a Sunday, they dont callibrate them on a Sunday apparently
  21. Sorry missed the bit about them being white Did a google and cant find anything
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