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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Nah, the strength of the encryption used around here is far to strong for an Enigma
  2. And getting the brollies ready! Hope the weather holds for you chaps
  3. Yep +1 - looks good though
  4. And look much better to boot
  5. So strange that they have these little differences from market to market. You'd think if they had the controllers to do it they'd fit them too all the cars or non, not some for US, some different ones for JDM and different again for UK
  6. There arent always that many avaialble on there. When I got mine they didnt have one the right age, spec and price. Local dealer managed to get hold of one through their Used Car Buyer. Also the Nissan used car site isnt particually up to date. I phoned a few dealers for cars on there and they'd already sold
  7. lomoto: do the JDM have autoroll down windows from the keyfob like the US cars? And rollup when you lock the car from the key and hold it (i.e. key in the hole, turn and hold?). Seems weird that JDM, UK and US cars have differences like that
  8. Chris`I

    Jap Radio

    get them off Ebay Get what you may ask 350z fascia adapeter
  9. What about the Jehovah’s Witnesses other hand.... or did it leave it alone They ran away and he didnt like the taste of them so didnt give chase
  10. Was just about to say the PAC SWI-JACK will be the way forward. From what I have searched there is no specific Nissan/350z leads you can use, only the SWI-JACK and teach it the inputs. I'm going to get one eventually, but funds are short atm and other parts have a higher priority atm.
  11. Good job chap, glad all the effort has paid off. Nice to see a non-FI build Now that you have compeleted this part of the project, how much effort would it be to replicate it? Do you think it would take much less time as you've essentially done the developement of it and would just need to replicate it?
  12. PZR: Sounds like you already have a good dealer relationship. Might be worth getting it through them and get them to transport it to him as part of the deal? I know as part of the Nissan network, they normally want about 100 quid to transport it, but they'll do it for free if they want his business (and keep yours ). Wont take long, as I say, my Nissan dealer got one within a week and that was inc a bank holiday weekend!
  13. Is that the standard rocker switch which is left to fold in, right to fold out and middle to do nothing? So you switch it to the right (fold out) and when you lock the car they fold in automatically? Anyone else confirm this?
  14. My reception isnt the best where I live with the stock "pole" of an aerial, so I think a stubby would be out of the question. Tis weired I get good reception in Basingstoke I have a feeling my carpc or psu for said carpc is interfering with it. But as per usual I'm too lazy to investigate. The Leon was fine for reception, so I think its specific to my Zed and not Blasingsmoke. I'm going to investigate it when I rip out the glovebox to sound deaden it all. Hopefully this weekend if the weather holds.
  15. Chris`I


    AFIAK they dont charge you to recieve money, but they do charge to get it from PP to your bank account. However, if like me, you live on eBay, you can use the money to pay for items on there instead. Depends on how many people want to pay with PP. Saying that, I just had a quick look on PP and its free for £50.00 GBP or more, £0.25 GBP for £49.99 GBP or less, so just wait for everyone to pay and transfer it then I guess
  16. My reception isnt the best where I live with the stock "pole" of an aerial, so I think a stubby would be out of the question.
  17. You should be able to get what you are looking for in that price range. I got my GM 53 GT UK car w/26k miles for £18.5k a few months back with a 1yr warrenty and P3 service thrown in. Any Nissan dealer will be able to be on the look out for one. When I went to my local they didnt have one, but they found one within a week. I would suggest finding the best dealer near you (the guys on here that live near you will help with that), and speak to them, see if they can get something in for you. Remember that a dealer is a lot more expensive than private, I think mine was about £1.5k over what private would have been, but you can haggle, I got 1yr warrenty and a P3 out of it
  18. Has been discussed before, but no ones seems to know how to do it. It must be possible as lomoto says its an option on JDM cars, so the wiring mst be there. Just need to find out what box of tricks does it.
  19. No , not in my experience And that is why my OEM is staying put. I need the radio!
  20. Still a good vid though
  21. Chris`I


    Let us know the arrangement for those not attending JAE, like paypal add etc. Sorry if I missed this info already
  22. Alnighter baby, the only way to do it!
  23. Yeah I was very pleased with that, got the next major service free too And here was me thinking I did well on mine getting £500 extra trade in, £250 off their price and a P3 thrown in
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