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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Would it be this by chance: http://www.japcarclub.com/jae/forums/index.php?showtopic=692&view=findpost&p=5420 Just searched "taxi" on the forums
  2. Feckin nutters, they nearly fell through the ice
  3. B*gger, same happened to me about 2hrs ago! Some c*nt swerved in front of me and flung a stone straight at the screen and chipped it and now its cracked! Just phoned RAC (via Elephant) and they have to order in the screen Just have to wait to hear from the RAC people. I would phone your insurance and see where you stand. Its costing me £70 to get my screen replaced, I guess thats a damn sight cheaper than it would cost through a normal screen replacement company.
  4. Were you outside Tesco metro at 5:20pm? Saw a chilli in the layby outside as I went past
  5. I was happy i got a free latte at Starbucks last night Must try harder - go for a cookie or a muffin too next time
  6. Hmm, I always wanted an Aston, better make sure that I do my daily commute by train if I ever get one! A tank would last me about 3 days Sod that, you buy a car to use it, not matter how much it costs you. Well work are now paying for all my miles rather than journeys further than base office. Will 34p/mile cover 11MPG?
  7. Chris`I

    Zed Plates

    yes because 40'' is too small So surely I need to save more for a bigger TV and not get the plate them!
  8. Yup, these cost mucho $$$ compared to mine. I want the RSW kit when I get the money, it will be much better quality
  9. You'll need to give the year as they change between certain years. AFAIK 03 will take only 03 cubby, 04-05 will take 03-05 cubby, 06> will only take 06 onwards. The others will correct me.
  10. They do look pretty good, and bet they are awesome at eating motorway miles, but I'd be after an Aston if I had the money
  11. The side badges are stick on over the original numbers. Its literally a circle of carbon with the z removed and backed in 3M tape. They are however from Delsa Motorsport (eBay US) and not the chap in Oz. Delsa do a lot of carbon for the Zed, but recently there have been people complaining on the my350z forums so I'd be cautious ordering any larger pieces.
  12. I do 300 miles a week for work and it made no real noticable difference coming from my Leon (35MPG/95RON) to my Zed (30MPG/99RON), maybe a few quid. Treat your baby well and she will look after you
  13. Be nice to your baby. It only costs an extra few quid to have the good stuff I'll always be using good stuff now as my work have just confirmed my base office is now offically my house, so they pay for all my mileage Didnt used to get about 1/3 of it paid as I had to pay from home to base office.
  14. Cheers for the feedback guys. What do you think to the front and rear badge inserts in particular? I'm not convinced on them yet, problem being once they are on they will be a sod to get off. They are all pre cut to fit (ie no cutting required) and all mine were spot on except from the left gauge insert. I am talking to the eBayer about the fit, and I guess he will ammend his template accordingly. Not all the pieces are stick on either, the gauge inserts and also the badge inserts simply push into place and are held in by tension. The door barrels are stuck in. For the price they are good pieces. I would mail the seller and haggle on price though and see if you can get a discount
  15. Good spot chap, I would have never seen that if you hadnt posted This should be a goodie
  16. Some new goodies added to the Zed to spice it up a little. Some from Delsa in the US and some from an eBay chap in Oz. *Click pics for full size images* B pillar covers (Sinbad (I guess from Delsa as they are very simlar to my other CF from them)) Wing mirror post covers, Side badge inserts (Delsa) Gauge inserts, Door barrel inserts, Front and rear badge inserts (chap in Oz) Very happy with all that stuff. The quality of the carbon is good, bit better from Delsa I would say, but the chap in Oz is pretty cheap. It all fits well, with exception of the far left He did me a deal to do him some photos of the stuff and in return I got a very good discount on the stuff (pretty much just paid the postage). If anyone would like his stuff he trades on ebay as 350z_silver. Tell him I sent ya Not too sure about the front and rear badge inserts, what do you guys think? Obviously the pics are of test fits, so dont be put off by them not fitting properly. I think they look pretty good, but not sure if they are a step too far? Awaiting your comments
  17. I get ya, all tasteful shots of course Just get it bought, you'll get loads of use out of it. Beware of the lense lust, it will cost you a fortune!
  18. Ah i wll get many, the only one of my old car is this one... Good stuff Louis. I'm currently waiting for my mate to get his new Digi SLR so we can go out and shoot some pics. Dont want him hanging my camera out of the window incase he drops it! But hes just got a pay rise and is going to get a Digi SLR soon, so he can drop his own
  19. Tesco 99RON for me, not even tried 95RON. No idea about oil as I havent had to put any in yet
  20. Get in line people, hes got to by me my Aston first
  21. Chris`I


    Got mine max, looks excellent. Thanks for all the effort in arranging them
  22. Thats the joy of waiting for work to be reviewed, I have nothing to do but sit and twiddle my thumbs waiting for my work to be returned That and organise my trip to Cowes Week with SPSS
  23. Adam: what intake is the car running in that pic of the CF engine cover?
  24. Another twin for me, GM w/ Alezan. Was cruising with ya down the M4 today between Jct 10 to 8/9. Looked good considering the weather! Xeons looked awesome in the rear view mirror, a true bright white against the crappy normal lights around you Was my longest cruise with another Zed to date. :bye:
  25. Yeah I'll get it from eBay US. Got my PAC ROEM from there too and it was here quickly and easy. Exchange rate makes it just unbeatable for price.
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