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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Thats the funniest thing I've heard in ages If only we had back seats to fold down. I'm off to take my carputer out, that laptop in my glovebox must be worth at least a second 0-60
  2. Mate that sux, especially at the price they are (I know we get good deals, but thats still a lot of money). As Jacko said, do you have insurance? That would be my first port of call. You need to contact them ASAP as they will no doubt use any excuse not to pay. However if all else fails, I dont see it will make any difference to performace and cosmetically I'm sure a local dent removal place can give it a go if you bung them a drink or two
  3. Damn, you can even get a Speed Stacker timer and everything
  4. Can be as bad as Louis' pics! You know I is only jokin Hey i thought you looked like this Well I do try. Maybe if I look like him I can walk into his bank and take his money
  5. Can be as bad as Louis' pics! You know I is only jokin
  6. Can be as bad as Louis' pics!
  7. Good point, common we want a pic!
  8. And probably cheaper than the OEM unit from Nissan!
  9. How you dooooin? BTW I havent had my teeth whitened like Hammond
  10. Very good matey, I take no offence to that at all As the others say, some of them are very close to reality! Think we should all have a celeb avatar lol
  11. Good to see another happy customer of JM Imports, Nixy is over the moon with hers!
  12. Phil: You got PM regarding a set of these Digsy: I'd guess a steady hand with a sharp blade, follwed by some sanding would do the trick
  13. I think he will. I have a piece that I bought from eBay to do my side bumper reflectors when I realised that they were a sod to do. However when it arrived it was lacking a top coat to make it nice and smooth so just fitted my black bumper reflectors rather than use the CF. So I now have a sheet which I may use to do bits inside the car if I can be arsed to top coat it Dude he is a she lol But yeah i think it would be a pig to do, hence as much ready done stuff for me for the future the better. My apologies for the typo, I've been attacking an old table with a sander today and my fingers havent quite gotten their feeling back yet
  14. I agree, you dont need to shoot at lower f stops at night, but if you need a fast shutter speed and have the ISO cranked all the way up then theres not anywhere else to go that I know of, which takes you to the poorer end of quality with the kit lense. Could be wrong of course, I am most definately an ammateur, picked up most of my knowledge from interweb forums and ebooks
  15. Take it thats with the brackets you mention above? And do you have to cut a little out of the engine bay trim to fit it? Might add this to one of my cheap mods as I've been told I'm not allowed to spend lots of money before the house goes through, but I cant stop tinkering with the car
  16. I think he will. I have a piece that I bought from eBay to do my side bumper reflectors when I realised that they were a sod to do. However when it arrived it was lacking a top coat to make it nice and smooth so just fitted my black bumper reflectors rather than use the CF. So I now have a sheet which I may use to do bits inside the car if I can be arsed to top coat it
  17. Chris`I

    lambo boy

    Make sure you get a vid
  18. Excellent, thank you Sir I tried a quick search and although I couldnt find anything to say it fit all models, I didnt find anything to the contrary either, so wanted to make sure.
  19. Makes me wish my R6 wasnt delared SORN atm Still have a house to buy, always have more summers for biking fun
  20. Chaps, I've been offered a Spill's grounding kit off a 55 reg Zed and just wanted to quickly make sure that it would fit my 53. I assume nothing has changed between the years? TIA
  21. Have a word with Jurgen@ JM Imports (sp? apologies if wrong), he did Nixy's. I would have thought you could get a JDM auto or manual for the top end of your budget
  22. Thats good to hear chap. I think the replacement stereo thing could be down to the fact that they are a few men down atm. The dealership principal is working down in Southampton atm to cover for someone and I guess the guy covering him isnt on the ball. Just keep calling and chasing. They got my replacement cubby in pretty damn quick. Let me know how you get on tyre price wise at Micheldever. I hear they are the cheapest around, but never taken a trip down there yet (with my car anyway). Would be interesting for a point of comparison between that and Blasingsmoke places.
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